ASSETFI Staking Program Overview

Shuffle by HUPAYX
1 min readFeb 19, 2024



  • Annual Percentage Rate: 10% (Based on Shuffle)
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Minimum Deposit: $300

SFL&USDT POOL (Shuffle 2 : Tether 1 Ratio)

Product 1

  • Annual Percentage Rate: 15% (Based on Shuffle and Tether)
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Minimum Deposit: $900 (Shuffle $600, Tether $300)
  • Extra Reward: Partner Coin

Product 2

  • Annual Percentage Rate: 21% (Based on Shuffle and Tether)
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Minimum Deposit: $9,000 (Shuffle $6,000, Tether $3,000)
  • Extra Reward: Partner Coin

Reward Distribution Schedule

  • Frequency: 12 times
  • Period: 2024.03 ~ 2025.02 (Paid on the 25th of each month)

Unstaking Date

  • February 25, 2025

Partner Coin Distribution Schedule

  • Frequency: 6 times
  • Period: 2024.03 ~ 2025.02

Payout partner coins on a proportional basis based on the cumulative total of the Shuffle + USDT staking pool. The quantity of partner coins will be announced separately in the future.

  • This is an RWA product, and mid-term unstaking is not available.

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