We are hurb.labs.

Published in
1 min readOct 10, 2019

Hello travelers!

Here at Hurb we are always reinventing ourselves. We want to know what is THE perfect trip. Your trip could have started with you sitting on the couch, at home, browsing through your mobile phone but it will only end when you arrive back at that same couch. That “in between” is what we are curious about. With that in mind we know that we must be ready to handle millions of couches a month. ;)

Over time we’ve saw a lot of different things and we learned a lot along the way. But we’ve always kept those discoveries to ourselves and that bothered us. Our idea here is to open a channel to show a little about our adventure, discoveries, and also listen to your comments and thoughts.

First meeting at new office
First meeting at new office

The name “hurb.labs” has a purpose. It’s not “hurb.tech”, it isn’t just about technology. It is about people, as written as one of our values. With people you build a Product, you create technology. People’s resilience is the biggest spice of out Product and empathy with customer is our biggest brand.

People, product and technology.

