How to manage your work transition | Calibr

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4 min readDec 18, 2018
Work Transition

Change is inevitable. In fact, change is the only constant that drives mankind towards growth and evolution. However, not everyone knows how to accept changes and grow with it. Getting used to the same daily routine, same job, same life, and the same patterns is so common that any attempt to a transition only seems intimidating and challenging to the human mind!

For some of us, the road to change is such a terrifying ordeal that we resist from looking for better opportunities at work or in life. If you are one of them, there is no need to worry. With these few steps, saving will be easier than before!

Here is how you can glide through a work transition seamlessly and without any hassles :

Change your perception

Your thoughts are going to directly impact your work performance. So changing your perception is the foremost thing you need to learn to work on. Regardless of the note on which you ended your previous job, it is important to view this work transition as an opportunity to grow from.

Emphasize how you can use the experience, knowledge, and skills learned from your previous job to the new job you will be taking.

Even if you are transitioning to another field, remember that you are never going to be at a loss since your expertise is likely to accompany you forever.

Know that any transition is a process.

William Bridges, a change consultant and the author of “Managing transitions” particularly talked about three stages of any transition –

  • Stage one: Endings, accompanied by feelings of loss and resentment.
  • Stage two: Neutral zone, characterized by feelings of acceptance, but confusion.
  • Stage three: New beginnings, involving renewed optimism and energy.

According to him, transitions are rather inner psychological processes. With the right understanding of the process and right perceptions, you can swiftly move from stage one to stage three, efficiently managing your work transition.


Introspection is often underrated and undervalued. Especially for those who find themselves caught up too much in activities of life. However, if you are to learn how to take things in stride, self-evaluation is absolutely essential.

Sit down and think, what is that you find the most difficult? Is it the fear of working with new people or the fear of reporting to a new boss who could be shrewd and harsher? Are you afraid that it may take you longer to make your place or are you resisting this because you see certain flaws in your principles and character? Perhaps, is it just the performance pressure that freaks you out?

After a preliminary self-evaluation, channelize your energy on things to be done. Take your complete focus on things that can be done right instead of things that could go wrong.

Note that there is a thin line between self-evaluation and being overly critical. Also, it is important that once you have evaluated your self, you take corrective actions to improve upon the shortcomings at the earliest. A self-evaluation with no following action will only lead to repetitive mistakes and failure, followed by feelings of guilt and frustration.

Research and prepare for the new job profile

Spend a lot of time gathering information about the new company and the job profile. You should divert your time and energy to reading and finding more about it. Then, you will witness a feeling of inspiration will start dawning at you from within. The idea of the new company will no longer seem dreadful or alien to you.

Know that the more knowledge you have, the more confident and optimistic you will be!

Work hard

You may have been good at your previous job or you may have nailed your interview, or your CV might look great. But, you should be ready to go the extra mile especially for the first few days at a new job. Know that it will be just a matter of a few weeks before you get completely assimilated with the new people and the environment, ready for it all.

Once you have successfully delivered a few projects and proven your worth to those who may have raised their eyebrows over your appointment, you have absolutely nothing to worry at all. It is not to suggest you that you stop working hard thereafter. But if it is for working extra hard, the initial few weeks rank definitely higher.

Refuel yourself

If you are drained in energy, your transitioning phase will be much harder than you think. The need of the hour thus is to make conscious and consistent efforts to refuel the spent energy. To be able to recharge yourself you must :

  • Sleep adequately
  • Eat right
  • Breathe
  • Exercise
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Listen to music

Having said everything, it may easier said than done. But if you begin to work on all of the above, in no time you will realize it is easy. The sooner you learn these basic and simple principles, the easier it will be for you to make any transition easy and effective!

Originally published at Calibr



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