Not another career advice

Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2018

You have probably come across many career advice so far, but here you will be reading about those career advice which have bored you for life.

Career advice for students can be the most dreaded discussions of their life. As every discussion starts with a ‘this will change your life’ expression and ends up with the student fearing what to do and how to go ahead.

The beginning

So, where and when do career advice sessions begin? For me, it started even before I started my kindergarten.

I was unconsciously made to dream of being a doctor, an engineer or an IAS officer — the top three professional options for Indian parents. It was a moment of pride for my parents when we said one of the above future plans to our relatives.

So, career advice? When we were kids our career advice were received by our parents about which school to be enrolled in. Whether the child needs to be focused on academics only or to have an all-round co-curricular involvement. It wasn’t an easy task to select the right school while having too many options on the fingertips. They somehow managed that phase of our lives without our involvement.

We were made to study like sheep in a herd. While in school, college seemed exciting. Similarly, while we were in college, work-life looked great. Life was always greener on the other side. Anticipation to get on the green side where there existed fun, frolic and lots more was a major part of life.

Approaching an experienced person related to the relevant field was the career advice a few years back. Not to forget our neighbours and relatives, who were more curious about our careers more than our own selves.

Career advice now have taken a new turn. Now, there are counselling institutions altogether that help one resolves their career dilemma. What used to be a word of mouth has now become a profession on its own.

The age of millennials

This is the age of millennials. They are always on the edge of their seats. They are moving in the pace of lightning with all obstacles clearing away on their own. Since everything is now available on fingertips, anything that bores is an option removed. Time is passing at the speed of light and keeping up with it is a major task.

Career advice has to be relatable and understandable such that it will remain etched in these minds. It has to be broken down into pieces so that they can pick it up easily.

They should be made aware of the consequences of their future if they don’t pay heed to it now. Since the future is theirs to live, the right kind of guidance has to be given to make it easy.

It is high time that we stopped repeating the same mistakes of forcing careers on the youngsters. They should pursue their dreams with freedom. In the present world scenario, every attempt is a success counted. They might commit mistakes or they might not.

After all, mistakes are the steps that lead to success.

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