
Jonathan Bodnar
Published in
8 min readJun 22, 2023

I’d like to first start by acknowledging what we’ve accomplished as a community in just 10 months.

We sold over 70% of our Husl Founder cards to kick-start our entire journey together. That alone was an accomplishment over the last year of web3 being anything but bullish.

In November of 2022, we released our very first 25 beta brands and the beta dashboard, both a whole 2 months earlier than originally planned.

In February we released over 100 new beta brands to our Founder Card holders.

We began mastering the sales process (a 40%+ conversion rate on demos given) around March and have been selling a steady 2 to 3sales a day. Totaling 90 sales to date.

We’ve generated over $60,000 in annual recurring revenue for our brands, which is worth 2x — 6x in resellable value ($120,000 — $360,000.)

This process and 10 months have taught us so much about what works and what just doesn’t.

We’ve proven that our sales system works for anyone, including our 15 and 16-year-old sales agents that are our two top-selling agents right now (bet you didn’t see that coming.)

Now we embark on an entirely new journey together, as Hoodies. On this journey, we will focus on the goal of simplifying and scaling the ecosystem. All decisions are made to that end.

I’ve decided the best route to success for this community is to shift focus to coaching and mentoring business owners to build their own companies.

There are a few core things that will change with this new direction. I will summarize each, then explain them in more detail below.

  1. We will be sunsetting guaranteed customers. The last chance to purchase guaranteed customers will be June 30th. No exceptions. (this is also the end of the Founder Card deal (1 FC = 1 Customer + 1 Month of Organic, 25+ = 0% fees)
  2. Now that our team has proven sales we will be shifting focus to training and mentorship on the exact system and process we’re using right now to sell 1–2 clients a day yourself or to hire sales agents to sell for you.
  3. We will be sunsetting USDH, and replacing it with USDC. Please send your USDH to usdhTrade.eth by July 14th to receive USDC in exchange.
  4. Our community brand will change to Hoodies. All wallets with founder cards will receive a free hoodie airdrop for new utilities inside our ecosystem.
  5. We will be launching $HSL, a new dividend and reward token, and airdropping $150 worth of $HSL to every founder card in exchange for removing staking due to SEC crackdowns. $150 in $HSL is the equivalent of getting staking rewards off husl businesses generating a gross $5 million in sales, upfront. Then earning more dividends off that payout.
  6. The Hood will be handed off to Pyro, Shao and BoyMum so we can divide and conquer. Any hoodies already minted will have all promised utility inside the hood and even new utility inside husl.
  7. A brand marketplace will be released in phases.
  8. Earlies community will be able to send their NFTs to husl.eth to exchange for value inside our current ecosystem.

1 ) Sunsetting Guaranteed Customers

I believe strongly that I have created a community culture contrary to that which I set out to. I started Husl to breed entrepreneurship and creativity. Instead, I’ve created an automated way for people to make money, that just isn’t scalable without charging ridiculous amounts. This has almost backfired into a culture of getting rich without work, which was never my intention.

The only way to get rich fast is to work hard, and fast.

So for that reason, we will be ending all guaranteed sales after the delivery of all current orders are fulfilled. No new orders will be accepted after the 30th of June. This feature (guaranteed customers) was first introduced on 10/18/22 and under the clear understanding that it was a beta offering and would likely change.

2 ) Training & Mentorship

This shift in direction is paramount to scaling this business. Our team has done the hard work and spent countless hours figuring out what exactly converts and turning that into a trainable process.

I am so excited to teach our brand holders exactly how our sales agents (ranging from 15 yr olds to 45 yr olds) with no sales experience are able to accomplish 1–2 sales a day using our now-proven scripts.

You will no longer need to pay us for customers but instead be able to direct and control your own success!

With this new training, we will be teaching and mentoring you through:

→ How to sell 1–2 customers a day — adding $200 in monthly recurring DAILY

→ Build $4k in monthly recurring in just 90 days.

→ How to retain customers if they want to leave.

→ How to hire a sales rep and automate your business

→ How to build a massive social media presence.

→ Lead generation (we will release this as soon as we reach out cost per lead goal)

We will still handle:

→ Publishing

→ Customer Service

→ Lead Gen (for now)

→ All development/tech support

For additional context on the decision: Currently, we have 3 sales agents who spend about 3–4 hours a day and make on average 4 sales a week. You doing this yourself would result in $4,656/mo in recurring revenue (or 48 sales) created in just 3 short months of working part-time. Whereas now if we were to build each of our 100 brands to that revenue, it would take 25 sales agents working for 12 months to make 4800 sales.

2.1) Pay Per Lead

For the time being (the foreseeable future) we will be providing leads to anyone on a lead package (a subscription with a certain amount of lead credits.) Inside your outreach center, you’ll be able to request new fresh leads whenever you’re able to sit and make calls.

3 ) Sunsetting USDH

In light of recent congressional stablecoin acts being proposed and the likelihood of them being passed, we are going to sunset our stablecoin and use USDC instead.

Payouts will use Stripe Payouts and Crypto Payouts (when available, read more about it and see countries available here: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/crypto-payouts

Please send your USDH to usdhTrade.eth by July 14th to receive USDC in exchange. You will receive USDC by the 21st.

4) Brand change

Our front-facing community name will change to Hoodies as a pfp that applies and attracts entrepreneurs, creatives, and visionaries.

Hoodies: the NFT community

@Hoodies: Twitter

/Hoodies : the discord

Hoodies.eth : ENS

Hoodies.xyz : domain

A “Husl” is the product and training Hoodies is selling to the community.

5) $HSL

The SEC has been cracking down hard on staking utilities. After hours of working with an SEC lawyer, we’ve been advised to remove our Founder Card staking functionality. So this utility will be replaced with $HSL.

$HSL will be a new dividend token airdropped to every founder card in exchange for removing staking. Each Founder Card will receive the equivalent of $150 in $HSL.

This is the equivalent of getting staking rewards off husl businesses generating a gross $5 million in sales, upfront. You will then earn dividend payouts for holding the token.

These payouts will come from the Instant App Now white label fee charged off the top of every business (0%-25% gross.)

This token will also be used to reward milestones reached by businesses in the Husl ecosystem. These rewards can also be used to purchase additional services.

Founder cards do and still will have utility inside of Husl. Founders will always get discounts on everything.

6) The Hood Handoff

The team and I have made the decision to hand off ownership of The Hood project to Pyro and Shao in order to divide and conquer and make the biggest impact on Web3. I have full confidence that they will be incredibly successful with their combined Web3 experience! I will, of course, stay on as an advisor to the project.

We want to make the biggest impact, and that will happen faster by dividing and conquering. We will always support each other as sister projects, but Hoodies/Husl and The Hood (to be rebranded) will be separate businesses.

Though all Hoodies will maintain their utility inside of The Hood, or whatever they choose to brand it, Hoodies will switch to community tokens for token-gated pieces of our Discord. They will also have utility inside of the Husl dashboard.

My focus will remain in this new direction for Husl, under the new community brand, Hoodies. I want to give more of my focus on the success of everyone that joins me in creating new skills, growing our brands, and creating massive recurring revenue.

7) Brand Marketplace

We will be launching a marketplace in phases. First presenting newcomers with the option to purchase an existing business instead of starting fresh.

This first phase will also come with a built-in web3 onboarding system helping anyone at any stage create a wallet and learn about web3, and set up their business and tokens.

We will them release a full marketplace with all the bells and whistles that we’ve learned matter for these businesses.

8) TES — Earlies

My goal with earlies was to try to figure out a way to implement their project into ours. We were unable to review code until agreeing to adopt the community. Since reviewing the code though, we’re confident the codebase is just not worth using.

We will, in fact, use some of the launchpad ideas inside of our product in the near future.

Instead of attempting to revive a dead project with little value, we would love to welcome the Earlies community into our ecosystem and community by gifting the following:

TES FC = $50 worth of $HSL (a token that will earn dividends from over Husl 100+ businesses revenue.), and a Hoodie Backpack tier ($60 vlaue)

TES OG Cards = A Husl Founder Card (worth $500), $150 in $HSL, and a Hoodie ($60 value) and additional future utility inside the hood (web3 fiverr.)

2 TES OG (or 10 TES FCs) = exchange for a Husl Business (worth $2,500)

If you are interested in this exchange, please send your cards to husl.eth and open a ticket on https://support.husl.xyz. $HSL will be dropped in July.

Read more about Husl: https://husl.xyz and https://Hoodies.xyz

(please note the hoodies are about to get more utilities inside the husl ecosystem, but will retain all current utility even though the hood (web3 fiverr transitions to it’s own project.)

Hoodies New Vision

I am incredibly excited about what I’m putting together for Hoodies. My goal is to recreate the journey I went on through 6 or 7 years of business to go from homeless to multi-millionaire.

Through this journey, I’ve learned that true Wealth is a combination of 3 things: freedom, fulfillment, and impact.

This process for me looked a little like…

  1. Replace your income; find freedom
  2. Solve a problem; find fulfillment
  3. Help others solve a problem; create impact

My initial focus, as it has been, will be on freedom. Helping anyone buy back their freedom using a proven product and sales model (husl brands.)

I am bringing in new mentors, coaches, and team members to build out the most effective revenue-generating system possible. I want to build millionaires, and it is 100% possible to become a millionaire through this model.

A huge focus of the new Hoodies community will be onboarding NEW members to web3 who have the desire to build a real and sustainable business.

Remember, anyone can promise success, only you can guarantee it.

