Why I Believe Newsletters Are Becoming the New Blogs

The Zilahut
Hustle & Harvest
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2023


The journey from search traffic to subscribers.

Do you remember when blogs were all the rage in the early 2000s?

I do, because around this time, I started my first blog (website).

Back then, it seemed like everyone and their mother was starting a blog.

Bloggers could drive tons of search traffic from Google and make money from display ads.

Starting a blog was the hip thing to do if you had opinions to share online.

But over the years, times have changed.

Google algorithm updates have made earning organic search traffic much more difficult.

And don’t forget that the readers have shorter attention spans due to the rise of apps like TikTok.

Simply putting your thoughts out there isn’t enough anymore to build an audience. Readers now crave more meaningful, personal relationships with creators.

This is why I believe email newsletters are becoming the new blogs.

Newsletters allow creators to foster deeper, long-lasting relationships with their subscribers. And they let you avoid constantly playing the Google…



The Zilahut
Hustle & Harvest

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