Image by Annie Spratt/Unsplash

How the Way You Package Makes a World of Difference

Hustle Monk
Published in
6 min readSep 7, 2020


You have an amazing product, which is bound to sell like hotcakes as soon as it enters the market. Until….. it doesn’t. You ask yourself why, where did you go wrong? You might have the best product/service, the best advertisements to market the product, and still not be able to sell the pop for a buck.

It’s the packaging. No matter what the age-old saying is, people are going to judge the book by its cover. So you might as well make it an eye-catching, snazzy one at that.

The Science Behind it All

We are all sensory creatures by birth. Colors, textures, bling, print all play an important role in attracting customers. The way the human mind works is, if we have an attractively packaged product in front of us, our primary thought is, “Oh, this looks good. Maybe the product is good too”.

Let me explain by giving you a for instance. When you are walking down the aisle of a supermarket with your kid, the kid is instantly drawn to the bright and shiny chocolate and candy bars. If you are comparing two products, research shows that there is an 83% chance that you are going to pick up the better-packaged product, just because of the way it looks. In fact, 72% of your purchases are influenced by the way the products are packaged. An article published in the journal Psychology and Marketing explains how our brain reacts to various types of packaging. The study found that viewing attractive packaging leads to more intense brain activity. It also triggers activity in brain areas related to rewards, while unattractive packaging stirs negative emotions. The packaging is important as it communicates to your consumer what your brand stands for before the consumer even studies your product. The way you package your product creates a long-standing impression on your customer.

The act of catching the attention of a customer by describing the way your product tastes or feels, by appealing to the senses of the buyer is called priming. The mind is likely to accept the information and believes it to be true. For example, if my cookies are wrapped in a package which has the words- ‘gooey’,’chocolatey’, ‘soft’, it gives the consumer the idea that my cookies will be soft, gooey, and chocolatey, and there is a higher chance of them buying it.

What do Consumers Look for in a Package?

Consumers do not consciously recognize all the ways in which packaging affects them, but there are definitely some things consumers actively look out for. Making sure packaging succeeds in giving consumers what they want in these areas will help make more sales.

  • The brand name and the product must be clearly mentioned on the packaging, especially to help loyal consumers find it easily. The most relevant information, which the customer might find useful about the product should also be clearly explained, such as the size of clothing or ingredients of food products.
  • Some packaging has storage or protective function for the product, even after purchase. If packaging can double as a storage or carrying case, it should be durable, compact, and easy to use.
  • With growing awareness of the need for sustainable living, many consumers are looking for “green” packaging, i.e. packaging that can be recycled or reused. Also, according to research, 52 percent of the people around the world make purchasing decisions based on any ‘eco-friendly’ symbol present on the package. It makes them feel better about buying the product. Minimalist packaging is also a plus, as it uses fewer materials.
  • With the wealth of different products on the market in nearly every category, a fresh, new idea always helps a product to stand out. It’s often better to make packaging that is attractive and unique in some way than to stick with familiar designs. Some caution is needed, however. A package that is too unusual may turn consumers off.
  • Understand your target demographic clearly. Conduct thorough research about your target consumers, for example, if you are focusing on a particular age-group, know what they would expect to see on the packaging.

Great Packaging Examples

Given below are the examples of a few well-known brands which are known solely because of their packaging.

1. Coco-cola

Image by SJ Objio/Unsplash

When we talk about packaging, it is an absolute must to start with Coco-Cola. We all know the evergreen logo and the shape of the bottle, which we can recognize in an instant. But did you know about the company’s aim in creating sustainable packaging? They have set a goal of making their global packaging 100 percent recyclable by 2025. Coca-Cola's bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic, fully recyclable materials, and plant-based materials. When a global giant stands for sustainability in its packaging, it creates a massive positive impact on the mindsets of the consumers.

2. Tiffany & Co.

Image by Rachel Henning/Unsplash

Tiffany’s iconic blue box with the white satin ribbon is known to all. The color is №1837 on the Pantone Matching System chart and it is not commercially available. Since 1998, the color has been trademarked by Pantone. Every woman desires to own a piece of Tiffany jewelry, and the blue box that comes along with it has become the company’s signature.

3. Apple

Image by NeONBRAND/Unsplash

Apple is an acknowledged master at creating an iconic sensory experience that communicates its brand without any words or even a logo. That’s because Apple makes its packaging as artistic and visually appealing as the device inside. Every corner of the box is clean. The color is an elegant, minimalist white.

Every part of the packaging is designed to be clean and direct. The design is simple in a world of clutter and constant sensory over-stimulation. Apple’s iconic sensory experience is the expression of the absence of eye-grabbing colors and images. And that minimalism is exactly the thing that attracts the eye.

4. Nike Air

Image by Stephan Schmid/Unsplash

Nike has become a household name for high-quality athletic shoes. To keep trainers safe during shipping and ensure they arrive at their destination in pristine condition, the Berlin-based agency Scholz & Friends designed a simple but inventive flexible packaging design for the Nike Air shoes. The design places the Air shoes in inflated packages to keep shipments safe and creatively demonstrate the unique, lightweight quality of their Air shoes.


The way you package makes a major difference in the way customers perceive your product, so much so that many of the most popular brands are known entirely by their packaging or logo. A good package can be the differentiating factor for your product’s sales.

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Hustle Monk

Freelance Content Writer | Digital Marketer | Brand Consultant Follow Sharadha on LinkedIn-