Belated Proposal

Hustle & Write
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2024

After brunch, Leona slipped
through the sliding glass door
and stood on the deck
of her bed-and-breakfast,
wearing a yellow sundress
with black and white polka dots
draped to her knees.
She looped her arms around her waist.
Her tears fell short of spilling
down her cheeks.
Thrush chirped and moved
about their day.
Rolling green hills, lush forests,
and babbling brooks
surrounded the cabin.
Rays peeked through
the evergreen trees,
and skyline-silver water
curved through a creek below
that merged into a waterfall.
Sweet sap hung thick near
the dirt-and-rock-scattered pathway
that led to hikes or splashing through waterfalls.
Leona lit a menthol cancer stick.
She smoked and thought about him.
A light breeze pulled Leona’s ponytail
Seth saw her from the sliding glass door.
She thought she had lost him,
but he was stuck in an airport
over bad weather.
But the sight before him
was something he’d trade for nothing.
Seth smiled.
He moved through the door and closed it.
She turned around, wiping her eyes with her fingers.
“I thought…” She spilled into his arms and cried.
“You thought what?” Seth embraced her and stroked her back.
“I thought you stood me up.”
“My phone was on airplane mode.”
“And some drunk bastard caused the pilot to turn the plane around.”
“I love you,” Leona said.
“I love you, too,” Seth said, arching a brow. “Are you okay?”
“We’ve been together for seven years,” Leona said. “And you’ve been my best friend.”
“I thought we talked about this,” I said. “You told me you didn’t want to get married.” He kissed her head.
“I was wrong,” she said. “I was scared I’d end up like my mother — single and alone.”
“And?” Seth said. “Why the change?”
“Because life is beautiful!” Leona said. “I can’t live life afraid of failing.”
“Okay, what have you done with my Leona?” He joked.
Leona moved back and playfully punched his chest. “I’m serious.” She lifted and then lowered her arms. “Well?”
“God works in mysterious ways,” he said. “Had I not been late, your position wouldn’t have changed.”
“Life is beautiful,” Leona said.
“I had a ring at the house, but…”
“This?” Leona held up her hands and opened her palm.
“Where’d you get that?”
“Your dresser.” Leona shot me a devious grin.
“Will you marry me?” Seth said.
Leona pointed at the ground. He lowered himself to one knee. “Will you marry me, Leona?”
“Yes!” she said as he fit the ring on her finger.
Thick, dark clouds swirled in to shed
tears of joy for the happiness baked in pure romance.

(© 2024 AC)

(My new poetry collection: Screaming At Anxiety)

(Wattpad, Amazon Kindle, Spillwords, The Writers Club)



Hustle & Write

U.S. Army Veteran. Paratrooper. Runner. Nonprofit. Education. I write short stories and poems.