How to Write Stories That Truly Get High Viewership On Medium

10 unconventional tricks to make your medium stories explode

The Human Project
Hustle & Write
2 min readJun 29, 2024


Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

“The pen is mightier than the sword, but only if people read what you write.”

This quote from an unknown author hits home for many Medium writers.

Want your stories to blow up on Medium?

Here’s how to make it happen:

Hook ’em fast

Your first sentence needs to grab readers by the eyeballs.

Make it punchy, surprising, or ask a question they’re dying to know the answer to.

For example: “I made $10,000 in my first month on Medium, and I’m about to tell you how.”

Write like you talk

Fancy words impress no-one.

Write as you would chat to a friend over coffee.

Make it personal using “you” and “I”.

Here’s a story: I once wrote an article full of big words to sound smart. It bombed. When I rewrote it in plain English it got 10x more views. Lesson learned!

Break it up

Big blocks of text are intimidating.

Break out short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings.

It should be easy to skim and at least seek the big ideas.

Tell stories

Human beings love stories.

They’re like crack cocaine for our brains.

Sprinkle personal anecdotes throughout your article.

It makes your writing more enjoyable, and memorable.

Be useful

Give readers something they can immediately use.

Tips, tricks, how-tos-anything that gets them closer to solving a problem or learning something new.

Nail your title

Your title is like a movie trailer.

It’s gotta make them want more.

Use numbers, ask questions, or promise a benefit.

Bad title: “My Thoughts on Writing”
Good title: “5 Writing Hacks That Tripled My Medium Earnings”

Add a dash of humor

A little laughter does go a long way.

Throw in a joke or a funny observation now and then.

Kept light and fun.

End with a bang

Don’t just peter out at the end.

Wrap up with a strong conclusion or a call to action.

Leave readers feeling fired up and ready to take on the world.

Edit, edit, edit

The first drafts are sloppy.

Take a minute to clean things up.

Cut words you don’t need, fix spelling errors, and make sure it all flows.

Be yourself

Don’t attempt to sound like anybody.

Your uniqueness of voice is your superpower.

Let your personality bleed through your writing.

Ah, there is no magic formula for success on Medium, isn’t it?

Just keep following these tips and keep writing, and you will develop a devoted readership unto your brand.

Now go write something amazing! Your future fans are waiting.



The Human Project
Hustle & Write

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