Hustle & Write — Submission Guidelines

Finally, guidelines

Mark Tey 🦊
Hustle & Write


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Hello, fellow writer!

Scratch that. Let’s get down to business.

You’re busy, I’m busy. That’s something we have in common. And that’s all you need to join Hustle & Write.

Sure, there are a few rules, but nothing overly complicated

1. Follow Medium’s guidelines

Of course. But don’t be scared because you don’t need to be too strict about it.

I don’t care if you use the proper formatting for every little thing.

2. Respect grammar

I expect you to be respectful of grammar, of course. And I am not here to do Grammarly’s job.

I can and will reject your submission if it’s filled with grammar mistakes. Everyone can use Grammarly or other grammar-checking tools, after all.

But again, I won’t be too picky. Or pricky. You can write like this, for all I care.

You can write a sentence without a full stop or start with lowercase as long as it’s intentional. E.g.:



Mark Tey 🦊
Hustle & Write

Still learning to tame a writing compulsion that keeps me awake at night. She seems a bit wild for poetry but writes about anything that fits Her restless mood.