Build an Engaged Group of Supporters By Hosting A Hustle Thank-A-Thon!

Sara Brown
Hustle Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2018

Your organization may be trying to figure out new and innovative ways to continue building a strong base of members and supporters. A Hustle Thank-A-Thon is a great way for you to be in touch with them without it always being about turning out for events, donating money, or getting out the vote. They will appreciate your enthusiasm and direct contact for a job well done and for giving of their time and resources. Thinking about hosting your own Hustle Thank-A-thon, well here are some things to help you along the way!

What is a Thank-A-Thon and Why Should I Do One?

A Thank-A-Thon is an opportunity to gather staff members and key officials to text a genuine “Thank You” for all the work, dedication, and financial resources that your supporters have given to your organization. We’ve seen an influx of demands (both for finance and time) on people and your supporters chose you and your cause. Make sure to take the time and easily thank them by using Hustle!

On average, one person can text around 1,500 people in one hour using Hustle. Imagine the show of gratitude and appreciation your organization can do in just a few hours.

Who is a Hustle Thank-A-Thon Good For?

Everyone! If your organization Hustled supporters, donors, or members, then a Thank-A-Thon is a great opportunity to extend your appreciation. For example:

  • Schools/Colleges/Universities should text “Thank You” to all of the alumni who donated during a recent funding drive.
  • Advocacy Organizations should reach out to supporters and members who recently turned out to an important rally or event.
  • Labor Unions should thank members who organized their coworkers to participate in workplace solidarity actions.
  • Political Candidates and Campaigns should text voters who made a crucial impact on Election Day.

No matter the use case, everyone appreciates a “Thank you!”

When Is The Best Time?

Any time is the right time to do a Thank-A-Thon but here are some suggestions we found to be the most useful:


  • A holiday that means something to your organization (eg. Unions before Labor Day) 🛠
  • A big funding push that is coming in a few months and you haven’t reached out to your supporters since the last one 💵
  • The start of the legislative cycle in your state 🏛


  • Big asks or funding drives where you exceeded your goal! 💸
  • Large rallies that your supporters turned out and turned up for 👯‍♂️
  • A big election win for your candidate or campaign ✅
  • Huge wins in the legislative arena 👏

Where and How Should I Do Our Thank-A-Thon?

You can do a Thank-A-Thon from anywhere! But, our best advice is to set up a Hustle Text Bank with your staff and volunteers (and other key people like board members) so that you can do it together. It’s a great team building activity! Here are some simple tools to set up a Hustle Text Bank:

Photo Credit: Colgate University Hustle Party

Hustle Text-Bank Planning Guide
This checklist walks you through the process of setting up your text bank Thank-A-Thon and all of the items to make sure you cover!

Hustle Text-Bank Deck
You can download and customize our Google Slide deck to help introduce Hustle and your Thank-A-Thon. It also includes some slides to help train your agents before the start texting. You can make edits and add in a few slides about who your supporters are and why you are thanking them.

Now, you’re ready to set up your own Thank-A-Thon. Happy Hustling!

