Election Security: Keeping your Hustle Account Secure

Will Pizzano
Hustle Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2018

As we approach Election Day, cybersecurity has been top of mind for many. Hustle’s Engineering and Security teams are hard at work making sure Hustle is fast, reliable and your data is well protected.

We can’t do it all ourselves though! Our team would like to share a few quick tips on things only you can do to keep your Hustle account secure.

1. Use a password for Hustle that is radically different from the passwords you use on other sites.

Using a unique password is vital. We recommend using a password managers such as 1Password or LastPass to help maintain unique passwords. If you know you’ve used your Hustle password on other sites, please take this time to change your password to a new, unique one!

2. Watch out for phishing

We know from news reports that last year’s election hacking campaigns made extensive use of phishing. Often, these would be e-mails claiming to come from a trusted site asking to reset your password or click a malicious link.

Here’s some quick tips at avoiding getting caught in those phisher’s nets:

  • Watch out anytime an e-mail creates a sense of urgency for you to click something or do something with your Hustle Account
  • Hustle only uses hustle.com and hustle.life. E-mails from Hustle will only come from these domains. If you get a message from or link to another site, it’s not us!
  • When in doubt, contact us at https://support.hustle.com and send us a screenshot of the message.

3. Report anything awry

Did you get a message saying your password was reset, but didn’t expect it? Is your Hustle account no longer working? Is some strange security error popping up all of a sudden?

If you think someone may have attempted to compromise your Hustle account, or encounter any other security issues/concerns: please don’t hesitate to contact us at https://help.hustle.com. We ask that you provide as much detail as you can, and we’ll do our best to assist.

