Extra! Extra! Read All about it! Hustle Product Updates

Erik Kofman-Burns
Hustle Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

We are so excited to share some of the updates that we’ve made available in Hustle! These are highly requested, and very impactful gems for both Agents and Admins in here, so read on!

For Admins:

Adding Agents in Bulk
Remember how you used to fill out every new agent in your group one by one? Well, we’re happy to let you know that you can now upload a list of agents straight into your group! You can find a detailed how-to in our help articles.

Custom Field Targeting
When you create a goal and need to target more than one of your Custom Field Values, all you have to do is separate them by a comma. Easy, huh? No more workarounds, using different goals or tags! Here is is a deeper explanation on all Custom Field Targeting.

Naming your Additional Response Script
You can now give additional response scripts any name you want, making it much easier for your agents to know what scripts to use in different situations. More on that here.

Make New Users Admins
For people who are only going to work in the Admin Panel, adding new users as admins without making them agents first, is now available on the General Settings Page.

But wait, there’s more! You didn’t think that we’d leave all the Agents hanging, did you?

For Agents:

Notes and Follow Up Comments
Agents (and Admins) now have a place to record Notes and Follow Up Comments while texting. Agents just tap into the contact profile and type away. Admins can take Notes directly in the admin panel by clicking on the contacts name in the group.

Visible Custom Fields
A lot of Agents want to know more about the person they’re talking to. At Hustle, we’re all about making those personal connections possible. Admins can now easily display any custom field value in the App under the contact profile.

For Everyone:

Password Security
Finally, as a part of our ongoing commitment to our clients, Hustle is continuing to invest in building a secure platform so that you know that your organization’s information stays safe.

We have recently adopted a policy that will require all new Hustle users and any new password changes to follow the following requirements:

  • Be a minimum of 8 characters
  • Include a lowercase alphabetic character
  • Include an uppercase alphabetic character
  • Include at least one number and/or special character

We advise you to update your current password if it doesn’t meet the above requirements. For more information on how to reset your password, check out this help documentation.

As always, please feel free to reach out to your CSM with any questions you may have!

Happy Hustling!

