Hustle’s Hot Hot Summer

Hillary Lehr
Hustle Blog
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2016

It’s been an incredible summer here at Hustle.

We have celebrated some major milestones, including our 20 millionth message sent.

We’ve loved seeing our partners and making new friends at Netroots Nation in St Louis and at the DNC in Philadelphia. Hustle co-founder Perry Rosenstein joined a fantastic lineup of panelists to talk about The Poli-Tech Startup: Working Through the Challenges, and Account Manager Hillary Lehr pitched Hustle at New Media Venture’s New Tool Shoutout. Additionally, we’d like to report that our team’s travels outside of San Francisco have confirmed rumors that other regions do indeed experience high temperatures in the summer months. Who knew.

Headed to SF sometime soon? Come visit us!

We’re also happy to welcome Bill Redding to our team to launch Hustle’s presence in Washington DC. Welcome, Bill!

