Labor Unions Hustling in Face of SCOTUS Case

Sara Brown
Hustle Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2018

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) heard Janus v. AFSCME and is expected to make a decision by the end of June. The outcome could drastically limit the ability for public sector unions to maintain collective bargaining agreements and build power among members.

Even though the labor movement is facing an unprecedented time, some of the largest Unions are utilizing innovative techniques and tools including Hustle to reach members.

“As we approach a Janus decision, our affiliates across the country are using Hustle to engage members in a positive conversation about the future of our union, and to recommit them to our shared vision. We’re finding that Hustle is an extremely effective way to have authentic conversations and mobilize members in the face of a major moment for Labor and working people.” — Evan Sutton, Director of Communications and Assistant to the President, American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

Here are some ways that labor unions can strategically use Hustle to engage members during this unprecedented attack on working people:

  1. Begin conversations over text messaging with people that you haven’t reached in awhile. Just like any first contact with a worker or member, you introduce yourself and ask them how it’s going at their workplace or shop. Treat Hustle the same way!
  2. Introduce Hustle as a strategic component of your campaign and not just a way to inundate your members with communication pieces over a different medium. When used in cooperation with other organizing tactics, Hustle is a great way to engage and build relationships with members. You can use Hustle to follow-up with members after an event/meeting, quickly reach your strongest leaders for rapid response actions, and start a conversation with new people so you can introduce yourself/break the ice during an in-person event.
  3. Invite Union Leaders like local Presidents and Executive Board members to Hustle your rank-and-file members! This is a great opportunity for members to hear straight from the leadership about what’s happening and get real-time messages about contract bargaining, upcoming events, and important updates.

4. Use Hustle to sign up new people and agency fee payers for the Union. After you’ve built the foundation for a relationship (either through in-person events/canvasses or Hustle outreach), you can then use Hustle to send out a link to sign them up as a member of the union. Remember that you want to build that foundation or relationship first before you ask them to sign up.

5. Use Hustle to activate current members and get them to organize their workplace. You can ask existing members to put up fliers, update contact information for their coworkers (with cell phone number), and bring a friend to the next event or meeting. Hustle is a great way to reach already active members to do even more!

Hustle is an extremely effective way to reach Union members and potential members in this critical time. And we at Hustle are with you every step of the way. Interested in learning more about Hustle and Labor? Please contact us or your Hustle Client Success Manager!

