Let’s Be Real 2018: Hustle’s Inaugural Client Summit

Angelica Weaver
Hustle Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2018

“Everyone here is a risk taker. You took a risk by buying Hustle. And we took a risk building it.” — Roddy Lindsay, Hustle Co-founder and CEO

Hustle’s first ever annual client summit brought together a community of over 140 attendees representing over 50 powerful organizations who are helping to redefine the future of communication. Attendees included representatives from our amazing clients such as Everytown for Gun Safety, Planned Parenthood, The University of Kansas, AFT, UFCW, Sierra Club and so many more! We at Hustle were so incredibly honored to celebrate YOUR wins, celebrate YOUR work, hold space for open and honest feedback, reflect on where we’ve been, and give you all a sneak peak to where our company and product are headed in the future.

Let’s Be Real centered around celebrating our incredible clients; their work, feedback, and experiences. Five lightning talks spotlighted innovative Hustling in to connect members to multi-lingual services and impact in key historic moments. One example in the video below highlights peer-to-peer organizing as a key tool in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Houston Federation of Teachers used Hustle’s SMS platform to check on the safety and wellbeing of teachers in affected areas that had no internet. Members who were unharmed but who wanted to help were able to plug in and text other teachers right away.

We know that any success we have is testament to our clients’ investment in leveraging the platform to achieve their missions. The positive impact they’re having and innovative ways in which they’re using Hustle was illuminated through inspiring keynotes, an authentic panel discussion, and incredible lightning talks. These lightning talks showcased the multitude of ways our clients have integrated Hustle into their organizations to help strengthen relationships with their communities, surpass their fundraising goals, mobilize their members, and much more.

And let’s not forget, no real summit would be complete without an after party. Where we laughed, danced, and raised a toast to the amazing accomplishments of our clients and partners thus far.

We hope that all those in attendance left feeling motivated, celebrated, and energized for what’s ahead in 2018. Because let’s be real, we still have a lot of work to do and we’re so excited to continue on this journey with everyone.

Happy Hustlin’

