Manually A/B Testing Messaging with Hustle

Erik Kofman-Burns
Hustle Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2017

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Hustle veteran or if you’re brand new to one-to-one texting, knowing what to say in your messaging can be daunting. What phrases will make your contacts’ reply and take action? What message is best for the group of people you’re trying to reach?

The truth is that subtle language choices can make a big difference in motivating people to take action. Most marketing professionals are aware of this and that’s why 72% report using A/B tests for email communications. Texting is no different, in fact many of our clients at Hustle are already using manual A/B tests to find the right messaging.

The best way to figure out what message will resonate with your audience is to try different messages out on some of your contacts through A/B Testing. Simply put, send one message version to one group of your supporters, and another to a different group, then sit back and let the responses come in.

One of our amazing clients recently tested three different messages inviting their members to participate in a free college tuition program they are launching. They found that a more serious tone increased their engagement rate by 70% in comparison to a less serious, funnier message. This information helped them refine their future messages, to get as many as their supporters as they could to engage and show interest in the program.

How to Manually A/B test using Hustle

Do you know what messages work best with your audience? If not, Hustle makes this kind of experimenting fun and easy. You can try it on your next Hustle Campaign with these easy steps:

  1. Add a custom field in Hustle called A/B Test
  2. In a column of your csv, randomly assign people the letter A or B (or as many different iterations as you’re are trying out)
  3. Upload your segmented list into Hustle.
  4. Create your first goal, targeting the contacts identified as “A”
  5. Create a second goal (with the slightly tweaked message and a different goal name) and target the contacts identified as “B”
  6. Make sure that your agents Hustle at the same time for both goals.

Once you’ve followed these steps, you can reach out to your dedicated CSM, and they will be happy to help you get a report that shows what messages were more effective. Happy A/B Hustling!

