Our Newest Hustle Admin Features

Hillary Lehr
Hustle Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2017

Hey Hustlers,

We are excited to release a new batch of top-requested features. Thank you for your input, let us know what you think!

🎉 Introducing: Conversation Review 🎉

Use Conversation Review to View Goal Conversations and Maintain Your Hustle Data Right from the Admin Panel

Good news for admins who want to spot check how conversations are going or double down on quality control… Hustle’s new Conversation Review feature allows to dive into an agents’ conversations and manage the data records associated with those conversations.

Hustle’s Conversation Review feature allows admins to toggle any Yes/No answers that may have been missed by texters, to confirm that contacts have been given correct tags, and to ensure appropriate contacts are opted out and record why.

Additionally, in the Goal Insights page, admins can click on the 📣 megaphone to “nudge” an agent in a goal in order to let them know they have contacts to message. When an agent has completed messaging their contacts, the bullhorn changes from a 📣 megaphone to a ✊ fist bump so and admins know the agent has completed their workflow. Admins can tap that fist bump to send a app notification giving props to the agent. Fun!

For more information, visit our Help Center articles or chat us.

🎉 Introducing: Goal Dashboards 🎉

We now have two great tools for admins to gain insights into how their goal is performing to understand if their agents are completing their work and doing it correctly. Our new Goal Dashboard display provides admins with key data points about goal progress on a clean index page. From there, Admins can see high level at-a-glance stats for all goals as well as click into each goal for detailed agent stats and to access conversation review & nudges. Goal dashboard URLs can be bookmarked or shared with other org admins for easy access to their goal stats. Enjoy!

🎉 Introducing: Hours of Operation 🎉

More good news for admins who want to ensure Hustle texts are only being sent at certain times of day. Organization-level admins may now add hours of operation for their Hustling. The hours will immediately go into effect based on the local timezone based on the location admins have designated for each group.

To see more about how to set up hours of operation in your Hustle org, or to take a look at what agents will see when they log into the Hustle app during off hours, visit our Help Center articles or chat us your questions!

🎉 Introducing: Keyboard Shortcuts🎉

Keyboard shortcuts allow agents to efficiently navigate the web application and help them interact with contacts more easily.

Check ’em out here and even print out the cheatsheet!

Coming Soon: Conversation Notes!

Ever wish your agents had a place to record free-form notes during their text conversations in addition to using adding tags and toggles? Stay tuned…

