Q3 2020 Hustle Product Round-Up

Bibi Brown
Hustle Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2020

Our developers have been hustling this quarter!

With a combination of new features and improvements to existing services, Hustle has become faster, more reliable, more collaborative and easier to use. Below are features we want to highlight for you to ensure you’re getting the most out of your Hustle experience!

SMS Protection 🛡

We love our agents! To protect them from harmful content, Account Admins can now determine “harmful content” and conceal messages from contacts that contain specific words or phrases. Agents will be alerted when a blurred message contains harmful content. This pairs well with our MMS Protection Setting, currently available via the Settings of Organizations.

For more information, see How do I manage harmful content?

Goal Pausing

To help admins manage active goals more effectively, workflows can now be paused from the admin panel. Agents cannot access workflows of paused Goals and features like scripts and lead actions will be removed from conversations associated with paused Goals until the admin resumes the goal.

For more information, see How do I stop goals?

Opt-Out Language for Initial Scripts

Initial scripts now automatically include p.s. you can reply stop to opt-out. The Script Analysis will also include recommendations for including opt-out language in your initial scripts. This change is designed to help you let your contacts know how to opt-out if they’d like to.

For more recommendations for drafting scripts see: Should I include opt-out language?

Account Admins can delete leads 🚫

To support organizations subject to privacy laws, Hustle has introduced Lead Deletion via the Compliance tab of the Account Overview. Deleting a lead will remove the contact from every organization in the account and their identifiable information will be redacted.

For more information, see How do I delete contacts from Hustle?

Faster Van Integration 🏎

Hustle’s Van sync just got 10 times faster along with meaningful improvements to the speed of imports.

For more information about Hustle’s integration with VAN, see How do I connect my Hustle account with VAN?

Faster Reports 📈

Efficiency improvements will result in data loading faster for some of Hustle’s most used Reports.

For more information, see: Using Reports as a Hustle Admin

Agent Instructions 🙋‍♀️

To improve coordination between admins and agents, a text field will be added to the Goal Form that will be visible in the Agent apps. This field will support links so admins can share relevant resources for Agents participating in the Goal.

Agent App redesign ✨

The workflows page of the agents apps will be redesigned to group workflows (initial, reply & reminders) by Goal.

New MMS Protection Setting 🛡

Organization and Account Admins can now determine whether Agents can unmask images received from contacts. This stronger setting will apply to all groups and agents in the organization where this setting is enabled.

For more information, see How do I manage harmful content?

Script Warning ⚠️

Our Script Analysis window of the Script Editor includes helpful tips for improving deliverability and audience engagement. If you try to save a script that doesn’t follow these best practices, a Script Warning will let you know how you may improve your script.

For more information, see How do I write scripts?

Goal Description 🗒

To improve coordination between admins and other technical teams that rely on Hustle’s data for their work, a Goal Description field on the Goal Form was introduced.

For more information about the goal form, see How do I use Hustle goals?

