20% of Alabama’s Registered Voters!!!

Hillary Lehr
Hustle Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2017

On behalf of the Hustle team, THANK YOU to all of the incredible organizations, campaigns, and organizers that sent over 2.5 million text messages in Alabama.

We are deeply honored to have facilitated peer-to-peer text outreach for Doug Jones for Senate, the Alabama Democratic Party, Vote.org, Human Rights Campaign, Rapid Resist, NAACP, the DNC and many others. Together, your teams personally engaged over 708,000 Alabamians in in the days leading up to Tuesday’s powerful win for Senator-elect Doug Jones!

Here are a few quotes and stories to highlight some of the incredible work of our partners:

Doug Jones for Senate

“Of the three elections I’ve used Hustle in, this was the first where I got a lot of responses like, ‘I wouldn’t have voted without this reminder.’ In a race where we won by just 22,000, that makes a huge difference.”
— Maya Cantrell, DNC Southern Mobilization Director


“We used Hustle to reach 32.1% of Alabama’s registered voters of color.”
Debra Cleaver, Founder & CEO, Vote.org

  • Vote.org proactively provided polling place data via SMS to 308,000 POC in Alabama, representing over 32% of all registered black voters.
  • The Vote.org team also partnered with Voter Participation Center (VPC) and the Analyst Institute to run the first-ever controlled experiment testing the effect of layering SMS on top of direct mail outreach. Their total experimental universe was 53% of the registered voters of color in the state. Stay tuned!
  • The postmortems of this election promise to be interesting, but let’s be clear about the reason for tonight’s historic result: black voters. Early voting data shows that black voters turned out at 2016 Presidential levels all across the state.” — Debra Cleaver, Vote.org.
    Read the full Vote.org Medium post here.


“The power of the people, when engaged with resources and tools, will always defeat the oppression of those who mean us harm. I am grateful for the tools of Hustle. Over the course of this campaign alone, we were able to engage over 20k voters and activate their vote!”
— Michael Mcbride, Director, LIVE FREE

Great snapshot of a Hustle conversation from the LIVE FREE team as part of their outreach to millions of Alabama voters over text, phone, mail, door-knocking, and ride-share arrangements!

Human Rights Campaign

“Hustle helped us recruit dozens of volunteers around the state to help with canvass and phone bank for the Jones Campaign, including several remote phone banks hosted in cities around the state to help with GOTV efforts. Additionally, we reached out to all 4,500 equality voters in AL the morning of the election reminding everyone to go out and vote!”
— Zachary Michener, Coordinator, Project One America

HRC’s Project One America has been demanding #NoMoore for years in response to Roy Moore’s extensive history of anti-LGBT discrimination in Alabama. HRC Organizers have been hustling for over one year to ask pro-equality supporters to attend rallies, take action, and most recently, to head to the polls.

Rapid Resist on behalf of NAACP & Forward Alabama

“Two weeks before the election, Rapid Resist used Hustle to text 157,499 unregistered black Alabamians and women on behalf of the NAACP Alabama.” — Yoni Landau, Founder, Rapid Resist

We started texting at 1. By 6 pm Saturday, when we stopped, our volunteers had reached out to 77,000 folks on behalf of the NAACP Alabama. By Sunday, we’d reached nearly 160,000.”

