Interview with Inspiring Content Creator Deme D

Public Relations Agency
Public Relations Agency LLC
2 min readSep 2, 2021


Hello Deme D, How Are You?

Was good I’m chilling enjoying the energy

Where did you grow up?

I’m from New York City, I grew up in Brooklyn & Queens specifically. Great times

What is the most rewarding part about what you do?

I really enjoy working with and being around like minded people. I’ve also been able to interview & work with some of my favorite artists. I’ve watched some artists grow from indie to major. Been a fun ride so far looking forward to more growth

How would you describe the pace of work at Content Creator?

It depends how often you film & release videos, for me it’s a lot. I release content weekly and filming mostly depends on the featured persons schedule. I’d say I’m doing productions because I’m on different locations & set ups. So between scheduling, coordinating, researching, editing, finding locations it can be alot. No real days off like not doing anything. I also run an active Hip Hop forum on my Twitter page which is time consuming

What is the most stressful part about working at Content Creator?

Since all my shows involve guest dealing with scheduling & cancelations can be stressful. Watching footage later then noticing a bunch of negative that you didn’t see or hear while filming is very frustrating

On average, how many hours do you work a day for your Content?

I’d say about 7 to 8hours which includes posting, interacting on my all media platforms. Sending emails, reaching out to potential guest and staff.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths are my determination, foresight, ability to adjust and creativity. My weaknesses are the filming & editing technology!! Lol, at times I can get lazy, take on too much

How can we connect with you?

We can connect with him through his Instagram Account.

