Image made by me, If you have a SaaS or planning to build one with AI you can check these LLMs

Generative AI models that you can use in your SaaS business!

Shivanshu Gupta


As we have seen the Open AI Sora can generate great-quality videos and Dall-E for images all with AI, many of us may have used them in our SaaS products adding more value and giving the touch of AI.

As these LLM models continue to grow and open doors to numerous possibilities. Thus in this article, I’m going to share with you some LLMs that you can check out for your SaaS application and grow with it.

But before we start, I have written a book on marketing if you want to take a deep dive into marketing and know how to get long-term paying customers for your SaaS, Marketing Strategies to Grow Your SaaS which will cover all the necessary steps and strategies in depth to help you take your SaaS from scratch and get some real paying users.

Stable Diffusion 3 Medium

Stable Diffusion 3 Medium is the LLM used to create images from text. The results that are produced are great as compared to Open AI Dall-E.

Image from:

Dream Machine

If you want to create some high-quality videos you can check out Dream Machine. It’s an LLM that is capable of generating videos from text as well as from images.

Image from the website:


I have been using for writing my code for the past few weeks but now we have another LLM from Mistral AI that can write the code for you. It does have some awesome benchmarks as compared to Llama 3 70B and CodeLlama 70B.

Image from the website:

Voice Generator by Elevenlabs

If you want to generate voice from text in multiple languages then I would say you must try this LLM from Elevenlabs. Best for text-to-voice generation model.

Image from the website:


An Open Source LLM that you can use to generate some great images from text. You can close it from its GitHub repository and with some simple commands it will be up and running.

Image from GitHub Repository:
git clone
python3 -m venv fooocus_env
source fooocus_env/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements_versions.txt

Then to run the model you need to run this command. First, it will download the model to your PC and then it will run it.


These were some of the cool LLMs I wanted to share with you that you can use in your SaaS applications. If you think I’ve missed any please let me know in the comments I would love to check it out.

Also, if you want to take a deep dive into running a successful AI-based SaaS business and want to know all the key strategies and points, I’ve written a book “Cheat Code for Building AI-Driven SaaS”. This book will provide you with extensive guidance and you will find your path for building your AI-based SaaS.



Shivanshu Gupta

I provide SaaS Consultation and help my clients in development for there SaaS. For useful insights on SaaS check my newsletter