How To Check For Trademarked Content — Print On Demand

Alexandru Gîndea
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2023

As I said in the last post I was working on a post dedicated solely to how to check for trademarked content .Here it is! I will present you more than one way to check If you can or can not use words or images to create your POD designs!

Image from Built in LA

A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies as someone’s goods or services.

Simply, it’s something owned, so you can’t use it freely.

This is why you need to know what you are allowed to use and what not.

Today I will present you more than one way to do exactly that!

Method No. 1 — The best one

This is the best one you could do to check for trademarks.

All you need is to go on and click on Search our trademark database (TESS).

After you clicked it will redirect you to this page and you’ll select the first option.

Now enter your phrase in the new search bar and click submit query.

If nothing appears like in the photo, then you’re good.

But If something appears, like this, than it’s trademarked.

This is both easy and effective, but what I like to do is to couple it with the next method.

Method No. 2 — Simple Google search

When you search let’s say, Nimona on Google (Nimona was and I think still is a growing trademarked niche on Redbubble), you can see something pops even before searching.

Using this method can narrow even further the time spent checking for trademarks.

I like to do this first, then If nothing shows up do the first method.

Sometimes you can find niches that are related to not well known musical bands or movies or other things that show up on a google search.

Method No. 3 — Trademarkia

Trademarkia is like the first site I presented in method one.

But I don’t like it because after a search it shows all the registered phrases or words that are trademarked and related to what you searched.

Not actually what you searched for.

It is still effective, but I find it more slower than the first one and not on point.

This are the methods I rely on when doing my niche research.

I still have one more way of checking, which I explained in depth in my second post from my series about making money with Redbubble.

If you want to see more click here to read that post!

And If you want to see If a person that knows nothing about Print On Demand can succeed follow me on my journey!

That’s all!

Alex Gîndea
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Alexandru Gîndea

Alex here. Getting better everyday and trying to share as much as possible. Business, health, self-improvement are just some of the things you'll see here:)