I am Starting my Own POD Business For FREE and Documenting Everything! This is looking good!

Alexandru Gîndea
Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2023

Hello everybody! Good to see you here! I know it’s been more than a week (maybe like two) since the last post, but I worked on some things! I also have a tutorial about checking for trademarked content on the way also! In this post I will talk about my experience on Redbubble this far and I will share some tips I learned so far!

Image from Gearment

What have I accomplished in almost a month since I started Print On Demand using Redbubble.

It’s pretty damn hard.

But aside from that I managed to make my store look ok, not the best, but good enough.

And I also created more designs, used more ways of research and learned many things about creating designs, using tags, improving the time it takes to set up a product and write better product description (I think).

What Is My Store Looking Like Now?

I learned that the problem with the cover photo was because I didn’t officially opened my store.

You need to have at least 5 designs and have all the other things that shows on your dashboard filled in, except a bio or social info, but I recommend completing everything because is beneficial to your shop.

Speaking about my cover photo, here is what it looks like!

Quite good:) What do you think?

I won’t show my designs in this post, but in the next one, after so time passes I will show them.

But If you used the methods I presented you in the last blog post you probably found some of the niches I worked with.

So, If you are starting Redbubble, make sure to fill all the information needed!

How To Create Better Designs?

Better designs, in this case, means designs that look good, are not just a free image or art you find on the first google search and fit a specific sub-niche.

If you use Canva like I do, then you can find some pre-made designs that already look good and don’t need changes.

This is wrong because Canva is used by a lot of people and many of the designs you see are made with it, so there is a chance the design is already used by someone.

Here is a good idea to mash up more designs or pictures into one unique design.

This way you can be sure that your design is original and outstanding.

About the sub-niche topic, If you search for animal t-shirt, you get a million results, but If you continue clicking on the suggested sub-categories that show up under the search bar you can find a sub-niche that is selling and has low competition.

This is actually a method to find what niche will you work with.

You design should be exactly what that sub-niche is.

For example, If the sub-niche is “Dog drinking coffee” than your design must be an image of a dog drinking coffee or a text that have those words in it.

This assures you will be on the search page and probably make some sales.


Tags are very important, like on other platforms.

Tags help a lot when it comes to showing your designs to other people.

You should have at least 10 tags and no more than 20 or 25.

Don’t use tag generators and input like 50 tags because this makes the Redbubble algorithm go nuts and show none of your products, from what I learned online.

And from experience now, my design didn’t even show up at first when I had about 100 tags.

So, quantity doesn’t mean better!

Personally, I use about 15 tags on my products at the moment.

Now, the way you find tags is a little complex.

You can use the sub-niches we talked about earlier as tags, but only the ones that are related to your product, If you have the dog drinking coffee one you can’t use a tag like dog running from owner because the only connection is the word dog and that’s not enough.

If you have the tag or sub-niche, coffee dog, than your good.

Man I suck at giving examples:)

You can also use Google Ads to find some tags.

You simply search it on Google, make an account and than search for your sub-niche to see related search terms that you can use as your tags.

The method I find my tags is by looking at others tags and using those two methods along with PodCS tool to see what is trending.

If it’s related then it’s good to go.

Now, one thing I heard is that you have to use tags that aren’t trademarked, but I think this doesn’t matter for tags.

Anyway, If you use the methods above, except the Google Ads one, you should be good because you use tags that are already in motion on the platform.

How I Upload Designs Faster?

Well, this isn’t something complicated.

When I create my designs I make them around the same size and then upload one as the base on my shop.

Then all you have to do is click on the little gear button, select copy design and you’re good to go!

You’ll probably need to make some modification to some products, but only a few.

This is a good time to mention to allow all products.

You never know what your customer wants.

How I Write My Product Description?

This method is easy and straight forward too.

(adjective) design perfect for (target population) who loves (niche). It can be also given as (Holiday) gift to your girlfriend/boyfriend/best friend/relative who also loves (niche). Design is also fitting in time for (Special Event Date)!

This is the template I got from Passive Marie on YouTube, as well as much of the information above!

You complete it with information that suits your design and what it means.

That’s all!

Alex Gîndea
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Alexandru Gîndea

Alex here. Getting better everyday and trying to share as much as possible. Business, health, self-improvement are just some of the things you'll see here:)