
Perfect Tech Stack & AI Models for SaaS in 2024

Shivanshu Gupta
Published in
4 min readJan 28, 2024


Last year we saw rapid growth in the field of AI and SaaS, we have seen after the launch of Open AI GPT integrating AI into the SaaS has become way easy, and almost all the SaaS that we see now have some AI integration in it, this filed is still growing and what I see is we will be seeing more opensource LLM models now as compared to closed source models like Open AI GPT or Google Gemini. Other than this we’ve been seeing growth in the field of Web3 that was slow down last year, and I think there will be a wave of SaaS coming which will include the power of AI + Web3. Now the question remains there are so many technologies and AI Models out in the market which one should we use to develop our SaaS with the trends going?

Before we start I wanted to share with you all the 3rd book I wrote on SaaS marketing, I’ve seen many of my clients and people around the world face problems in marketing their SaaS or getting their first paid users. Well, there are many things you need to know about marketing and sales, I’ve tried to compile as much information as I can on SaaS Marketing into my book Marketing Strategies to Grow Your SaaS, you can check it.

Frontend design and Styling

For your frontend design and writing CSS, you can use these frameworks,

  1. Tailwind CSS
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Bulma
  4. MUI
  5. Shadcn/ui

Now among these tailwinds CSS is, of course, the most popular one then Bootstrap and others, but if you like to make something where you can copy and paste then you can check MUI or Shadcn/ui. You may want to check SaSS which is a pre-processor for writing custom CSS this adds extra functionality in CSS and makes things much easier and understandable.

And if you like to do custom wireframes and design you can check these tools out,

  1. Figma
  2. Sketch
  3. Visily

For the Frontend Frameworks, you can choose between

  1. React JS + Vite
  2. Vue JS
  3. Angular
  4. Svelte

Backend Development

Now once we’ve looked into the frontend development, it is time to start the code of the backend, let’s see what options we have for the backend development frameworks,

  1. Nest JS
  2. Express JS
  3. Rust Rocket
  4. Django
  5. Beego
  6. Laravel

Now among these Nest JS is superior or more advanced than Express JS that you can use to write your Node JS backend, other than this Rust is gaining popularity and increasing in demand for web development. We also have frameworks like Beego which is in Go and Django for Python. Laravel is also good and powerful but sometimes code gets a little complicated for higher systems.

Other than this we can also think of using Spring Boot for Java or Blazor for C# which is again good but not that popular and friendly to build a SaaS, though JAVA is used in big enterprises but you cannot start building your SaaS with JAVA and use AI in it.

Now with these backend frameworks, you also need to know Rest APIs or GraphQL for communicating with frontend.


Now once you’ve chosen your Frontend Framework and Backend Framework let’s see what options we have for the Database,

  1. MongoDB (No SQL)
  2. PostgreSQL (SQL)
  3. PlanetScale DB (MySQL Better Version)
  4. Timescale DB (For time series DB in PostgreSQL)
  5. Redis (Mostly for caching)
  6. Neo4J (For Graph Database it’s also NoSQL)

These are some most popular databases that you can choose from, other than the database I would also say you should be using the right ORM for it, this will make your code easier and less buggy.

Also, if you want to go with NoCode tools then you might try checking out,


Cloud and Hosting

If you are just starting a Micro SaaS which will have limited features and users on it then you can use these clouds,

  2. DigitalOceans
  3. Linode

For bigger SaaS that will have a big demand in the users and scalability purpose you should consider looking into clouds like Azure, AWS, and GCP and I would say you can apply for the startup credits first,

  1. Startup Credit for Azure
  2. Startup Credit for AWS
  3. Startup Credit for GCP

AI/ML Models

If you want to integrate AI into your system you can check these opensource and close source AI models

  1. OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo
  2. Google Gemini
  3. Nitro
  5. LLAMA

You must also check this tool out for running AI Models quickly on your servers.

You can also find some popular GUI for running them,

Well, these are the technologies and AI tools that you can find for developing your SaaS this year, now make sure you research them because they might differ as per the use case. Also, make sure to check the cost analysis of your SaaS so you are aware of how much it will cost you to run your SaaS.

Also, if you are developing an “AI-based SaaS application”, you might be worth checking this book I wrote.



Shivanshu Gupta

I provide SaaS Consultation and help my clients in development for there SaaS. For useful insights on SaaS check my newsletter