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The Gig Economy is Terrible (Here’s Why)

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2023


We’ve all heard the enticing stories about the “gig economy.”

The narrative often goes something like this: it’s a liberating force, setting workers free from the tedium of nine-to-five jobs, offering flexibility, autonomy, and endless opportunities to earn from one’s own skills, right from the comfort of one’s home or local coffee shop.

And indeed, it sounds utterly enticing, almost seductive.

Who wouldn’t want to be their own boss, work on their own schedule, and potentially even earn more than what they would in a conventional job?

However, I am here to argue that there is far more to the story than meets the eye.

Beneath the attractive veneer of autonomy and flexibility lurks a harsh reality that many workers in the gig economy face.

The gig economy, for all its promise, is an unforgiving beast that can often do more harm than good.

It’s a system that extracts value from workers while providing little in return, and it’s high time we reassess the acclaim it has been receiving.

The Illusion of Flexibility

The gig economy, often epitomized by companies such as Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash, promises a work-life balance that traditional employment fails to provide.

You can work when you want, for as long as you want. But is it really as simple as that?

The answer is a resounding ‘no.’

Firstly, the idea of choosing your own hours is more an illusion than reality.

Yes, you can technically log in or off whenever you please, but the reality is that the gig economy is driven by supply and demand.

Your earnings are fundamentally tied to peak hours, surges, and rushes.

Therefore, to maximize your earnings, you’re not really working when you want, but rather when the demand dictates.

The result?

Unpredictable hours and income fluctuate wildly from week to week, making it challenging to plan a stable, financially secure future.

The Myth of Being Your Own Boss

Another misleading narrative about the gig economy is that you are your own boss.

While it is true that gig workers have more freedom in choosing their tasks than traditional employees, the platforms that provide these gigs still exert significant control over how the work is done.

App-based companies use rating systems, algorithmic management, and behavioral nudges to control and manage their workforce.

Moreover, being your own boss also means you are solely responsible for all the risks and costs associated with running a business.

That includes everything from vehicle maintenance (in the case of ride-share drivers) to insurance to tax liabilities.

As a gig worker, you’re expected to shoulder these burdens without the safety nets and protections that traditional employment offers.

The Tragedy of Job Insecurity and Financial Instability

Perhaps one of the most glaring issues with the gig economy is its failure to provide job security and financial stability.

Gig workers live job to job, paycheck to paycheck, with no guarantees of a steady income.

There are no paid sick days, no healthcare benefits, and no paid vacations. If you’re unable to work due to illness or personal reasons, you’re simply not paid.

Furthermore, many gig economy platforms classify their workers as independent contractors, which absolves them of many responsibilities employers typically have.

For instance, they aren’t required to adhere to minimum wage laws, they don’t have to contribute to unemployment insurance, and they aren’t responsible for workers’ compensation in the event of an injury on the job.

As a result, many gig workers find themselves living on the brink of financial precarity, without the necessary protections to ensure their wellbeing.

The Imperative for Change

It’s evident that the gig economy, despite its allure, has serious drawbacks.

Workers are lured in with promises of flexibility and freedom, only to find themselves grappling with financial instability, a lack of protections, and an unsustainable work-life balance.

And while there is no denying that the gig economy offers some advantages and suits certain lifestyles, it is equally important to acknowledge its shortcomings.

Change is necessary. Regulatory bodies, governments, and society at large need to recognize and address the issues surrounding the gig economy.

There should be a comprehensive effort to revise labor laws and regulations, keeping in mind the realities of the gig economy.

As we move forward, we need to strike a balance. The gig economy is not going away.

But its continued growth and acceptance should not be at the expense of worker rights and well-being.

We must strive for an economy that values and respects all forms of labor, providing protection, stability, and a fair wage.

Only then can we truly say that we have an economy that works for everyone.




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