A Simple Guide To Become a Faceless influencer In 2024

A 6-step process to workflow and automation succes.

Samuel Naesen
4 min readFeb 1, 2023


The view

A common misconception about starting an online business is that you have to show your life and have a big personality to succeed. In this guide, I’ll give you 6 practical and ideological ideas to start your faceless brand on the right foot. Let’s dive in!

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1. Unlock Your True Potential

Knowing which path to take is important both in business and in life. You’ll spend a lot of time building both. You might as well do what you love. In regard to this article, why do you want to have a business in the first place?

Don’t trap yourself in a future you don’t want to live. Your ideas will be the foundation of the future you’re trying to create, and understanding your ‘why’ is the start of the journey.

Simon Sinek explains further:

Understanding what you do and why you do it on a deeper level is a personal thing. There are no right or wrong answers here. Spirituality, meditation and journaling are the best ways to figure this out. I’m talking from my personal experience.

2. Procrastinate On Purpose

Knowing what matters is more complex than one might expect. We get lots of different impulses each day. How do you know you’re doing the right thing? What is the right thing?

I had a lot of time to reflect on time management. I tried a bunch of systems. Likewise, I even created one for myself, but that’s a discussion for another article. The basis of my personal system started with a video from Rory Vaden.

His approach is simple:

  • Prioritize
  • Automate
  • Delegate
  • Procrastinate
  • Concentrate

Will this multiply my time? I ask myself this question a lot. Rory’s focus funnel helps you think about the significance of a task over time. Time is the only currency that matters in my opinion.

3. Documenting vs. Creating

Allowing yourself to document your journey can get you much further than creating everything from scratch each time. Share your struggles and experiences related to your brand. It will help you have a meaningful relationship with your followers.

4. Master The Art of Content Batching

Sharing content on a consistent basis is essential to build your faceless brand. But creating content every single day can become really tiring very fast. A way to avoid burning yourself out is by content batching. It’s the process of creating multiple pieces of content at once. I personally use metricool to achieve this.

5. The Right Social media Platforms For Your Brand

Choosing the right platforms for what you’re trying to achieve is an art form. If you put yourself everywhere online simultaneously, you’re chasing your tail to no end, especially when you’re starting out.

What comes natural? Do you like to write, be in front of the camera, or are you more of a talker behind a mic? These questions can help you choose the right social media platforms.

Virgil Abloh Explains his cheat codes:

Virgil Abloh

I recommend only starting with only one social media platforms at the beginning stages of building a brand. If you don’t understand your process, your followers won’t understand your message.

6. Leverage Automation Tools.

Automation helps you save time, and it increases efficiency. In web 2.0, there are only two things that matter: creating and sharing content. That’s it. Anything else can and should be automated in my opinion.

Bootstrap Biz Advice explains Canva Automation:

Bootstrap Biz Advice

Take some time to understand your business’s need. Once you’ve identified what’s important to you, figure out what you can automate with AI or no-code tools. The sooner you do this, the easier it becomes to operate your business over time.


There are a lot of ways in which you can start a faceless online brand. The ones that actually succeed understand what aspects matters. I hope this article gave you some insights on how you can start on your own without breaking the bank.

Thanks for reading & Good Luck!

🔥 Bonus: Visit my Free Goodiez site to get the codes of this project.

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Samuel Naesen

Your friendly neighborhood freelance no code webdesigner. I like marketing, AI, graphic design and animated movies. What do you like? 👋🏾