Jordan Brace
1 min readJan 5, 2017


The argument that luxury/premium car brands offer more in technology in comparison to non-luxury brands is no longer a valid one. Nowadays, the difference is minuscule.

What is interesting is that a number of Hutchings Vauxhall and Hutchings Hyundai customers have owned luxury brands; Porsche, Audi, Mercedes, BMW. However, they have returned to purchase a number of Hyundai and Vauxhall vehicles off ourselves.

The reasoning behind their change in car purchase decisions is often a difference in service. Another reason is that the driving experiences in non-luxury cars are as good as the ones in their previous luxury vehicles.

Are we seeing a shift in the perspective of luxury brands vs. non-luxury brand cars? Is the automotive market simply becoming a competition between the brand, where there’s little difference in the quality and technology of the car? Let us know with a response below.

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Jordan Brace

An entrepreneur documenting doing a lot with a little, pursuing innovation and redefinition by disrupting industry standards. Founder of Vinyl Deli and others.