Getting started as a Coach

Eli Laipson
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2017

Welcome to huupe Coach! We’re excited to have you on board. To get you rolling with huupe as quickly as possible this article covers two key steps of getting your coaching business set up. Completing both steps are required in order for you to be hired by a client, so we recommend getting them set up right away. You can always make edits in the future.

First, we’ll cover how to set your hourly price and create Coaching Packages (bundles of coaching sessions purchased by your clients). Second we’ll show you how to set your availability schedule so that clients can schedule their own sessions with you, based on when you are working — no more email tag!

Pricing and Coaching Packages

All of your Coaching settings are managed in the Coach Admin, which is placed in your main navigation bar for easy access.

The default page Coach Admin is “Pricing and Payment Info”. This is where you will set your currency and hourly rate, as well as create and manage your coaching packages and purchasing settings.

Hourly Rate: All huupe coaching sessions are one hour in length.Your hourly rate drives the pricing for the coaching packages you create. We recommend pricing competitively, and what you believe is fair. Be sure to SAVE your hourly rate before proceeding to creating your Coaching Packages.

Currency: Select your currency for the Rate Currency. For currencies affected by VAT, additional VAT fields will be added, which you can fill out so that applicable tax is added. If you do not meet the minimum income requirements for VAT to be applicable you can set the tax rate to 0%. Please be aware that huupe does not make any tax filings on your behalf.

Single Session Purchases: If you wish to offer clients the ability to purchase a single session at your standard hourly rate, make sure this check box is selected. If you do not want to give the ability to purchase a single session make sure it is unchecked.

Free Consultations: If you wish to offer a free 15 minute consultation prior to any hiring / payments take place make sure this box is checked. We strongly recommend offering this option as it is a low-cost / high impact option to ensure you and your client are a good fit for each other.

Coaching Packages: With your hourly rate set, Coaching Packages are created by simply entering a number of sessions, which are multiplied by your hourly rate, minus any discount if you choose to offer one (plus any tax if you decide to enter VAT).

To add additional Coaching Packages, just press the plus button on right side of the screen. Similarly, to remove just press the minus button. Click save and your Coaching Packages will then display in your profile so you can get hired!

Setting your Availability Schedule

Your Coaching Schedule is accessible in the Coach Admin, just below the Pricing and Payment Page in the left-hand navigation area.

To set your schedule simply select your timezone and then select which hours of each day you wish to be available for a booking. We recommend that you set your schedule four weeks out so there is ample time for clients to book your time.

To ensure you don’t get caught by surprise with a new booking the day of, you can set a minimum number of days in advance that a client must book your time by.

Huupe will send you an automated weekly email to remind you to keep your schedule updated so you can be hired. If you have any questions at all about this process or other features, please don’t hesitate to send us a message at



Eli Laipson
Editor for

New Englander. I like Science fiction, early stage product development, buffalo wings and science fiction