How to use huupe’s calendar feed

Eli Laipson
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2017

With huupe’s calendar feed you can see your subgoals with due dates in your calendar. The calendar feed will display an event in your calendar of choice including Google, iCal and Outlook (and others that support that .ics format) for each subgoal that you assign a date to in huupe. This approach to providing a feed of events based on your subgoals in your personal calendar is similar to other task and productivity-focused tools like Wunderlist and Trello.

To get started you will need to sign into your huupe account. Select Settings from your avatar/profile photo dropdown menu in the top right.

At the bottom of the Settings page you will see a section called Calendar Feed. Click the button to create your unique account url. You are now ready to copy and paste it into the calendar of your choice.

How to add to Google Calendar

  • Go to Google Calendar
  • On the left-side, click the face-down arrow next to “Other calendars”
  • Click “Add by URL”
  • Copy and paste in the Calendar Feed URL into the “URL” box and click “Add Calendar”
  • Your active subgoals with due dates will now show up on your Google Calendar

How to add to Outlook

  • Go to Outlook Calendar
  • Click “Add calendar” and choose “From internet”
  • Copy and paste the Calendar Feed URL into the “Link to the calendar” box, enter a calendar name into the “Calendar name” box, and click “Save”
  • Your active subgoals with due dates will now show up on your Outlook Calendar.

How to add to iCal

  • In iCal open the File menu and select “New Calendar Subscription”
  • An entry field will be displayed — paste the URL from your huupe settings page here
  • Click subscribe and set the preferences you want, like how often you want your calendar to update
  • Your huupe Subgoals will now show up in iCal and update based on your preferences



Eli Laipson
Editor for

New Englander. I like Science fiction, early stage product development, buffalo wings and science fiction