How Chat Marketing Elevates Your Brand Education and Storytelling

Elissa O'Dell


At Huxly, we believe that the best way to connect with your audience is to have a conversation with them. That’s why we created OneOnOnes ✨ personalized chat conversations that scale leads, sales, and first and zero-party data collection in Instagram DMs, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

And OneOnOnes aren’t just a tool for data collection and sales. They’re also a powerful strategy for educating your audience about your brand, products, or services in a fun and engaging way that feels like entertainment, not a boring lesson (yawn). They can also help you breathe life into your brand story and showcase your values, mission, and vision.

Here are some of the benefits of using OneOnOnes for brand education and storytelling:

🍎 Educate your audience.

One of the challenges of digital marketing is to inform your audience about what you do, how you do it, and why you do it. You want to show them the value and benefits of your offerings, but you don’t want to bore or overwhelm them with dense blocks of texts or long videos.

OneOnOnes can help you overcome this challenge by delivering bite-sized and interactive information to your audience, right in the places they’re already spending most of their digital time. You can use OneOnOnes to explain your features, benefits, or use cases in a simple and conversational way. OneOnOnes can also answer frequently asked questions or address common misconceptions about your brand, products, or services in a way that is way, way more fun than the FAQ page on your website (no disrespect to the FAQ page on your website — FAQ pages: the workhorses of the World Wide Web).

OneOnOnes can also help you provide value to your audience by offering them tips, advice, or resources that are relevant to their needs or interests and delivered in a conversational way. You can use OneOnOnes to share your expertise, insights, or best practices with your audience. You can even invite your audience to try out your products or services for free or at a discounted price.

🦄 Tell your story.

One of the advantages of chat or conversational marketing is that you can showcase your personality and authenticity to your audience in a dynamic way. You want to show them who you are, what you stand for, and what makes you different from others.

OneOnOnes can help you by telling your brand story and showcasing your values, mission, and vision. You can share your origin story, your achievements, or your challenges with your audience. OneOnOnes can highlight your vision, goals, or aspirations, inspiring your audience and making them feel like they’re part of something bigger than they are and making them excited to stay up to date on whatever you do next.

OneOnOnes can also help you create an emotional connection with your audience by sharing your passions, beliefs, or values with them, and by giving you the ability to ask them about theirs. You can use OneOnOnes to express your opinions, perspectives, or thoughts on topics that are relevant to your brand or industry. You can also show your appreciation, gratitude, or recognition to your audience. Doing any of these things gives your audience the opportunity to empathize with your brand, and by nurturing this deep level of brand-audience intimacy, you’ll foster a strong foundation for an enduring relationship.

🦪 The world (of OneOnOnes) is your oyster.

In conclusion, OneOnOnes aren’t just a versatile marketing tool, but also an innovative and effective way to engage with your audience, educate them about your brand, and bring your unique story to life. In a digital world filled with excessive digital noise and information overload, OneOnOnes provide a refreshing and interactive approach to delivering valuable content and building meaningful connections. Whether you’re aiming to inform your audience about your products or services or striving to share your brand’s narrative and values, OneOnOnes can help you achieve these goals in a fun, engaging, personal, and personable manner.

It’s time to get one-on-one with your audience. It’s time to get a OneOnOne. 💁🏽‍♀️

Want to experience the power of OneOnOnes in action and learn how to 10x your audience engagement? Head to IG @heyhuxly and DM us the password 10x to experience the connection, innovation, and fun of our newest OneOnOne.

