How to Scale Access to Zero-Party Data with the DMs

Elissa O'Dell


There’s a newcomer in the data game that’s transforming the world of marketing: zero-party data. And at Huxly, we’re not just embracing it — we’re shouting it from the rooftops! So let’s explore what zero-party data is, why it should be your marketing North Star, and how Huxly can help you ethically harness its potential on Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

Zero-party Data: A Goldmine of Insight

Zero-party data is the currency of consumer intentions. It’s the voluntary information customers share directly with you, reflecting their preferences, aspirations, and needs. This firsthand data enables you to tailor experiences with pinpoint precision, forming lasting relationships built on trust and authenticity.

How to Gather Zero-party Data, Ethically

Imagine a marketing approach where you’re not just broadcasting messages, but sparking genuine dialogues. Welcome to the world of chat marketing in Instagram DMs. Through dynamic back-and-forth, you can engage your audience in meaningful discussions. The secret? Entertaining and educating while asking questions that matter.

With every interaction, you’re not just getting answers; you’re tapping into a treasure trove of zero-party data directly from the source. Imagine this: having an amazing pop up experience that’s also a customer survey that’s also a viral reel… all wrapped into one.

Humble brag: at Huxly we are so good at doing this that we have a 91% response rate to questions! Compare that to only a 45% response rate for SMS.

Unveiling: Huxly’s OneOnOnes

Creating these interactive dialogues might sound complex (and it is!) but at Huxly, we’re pros at chat automation and conversational design. And our carefully honed expertise is crafting creative chat marketing experiences called OneOnOnes. These engaging, personalized chat experiences set the stage for a new era of data collection. We’ve perfected the art of crafting conversations that matter and form lasting connections, while at the same time ethically gathering invaluable zero-party data.

How You can Get a 91% Response Rate (a.k.a Gather Zero-party Data)

  1. Tailored Experiences: Design interactive experiences that resonate with your audience’s individual interests. By asking the right questions, you’re not only providing value but also acquiring crucial data.
  2. Value Exchange: Offer something valuable in return for data. This holistic reciprocity builds a sense of trust and encourages users to willingly share insights.
  3. Deepening Relationships: Through these conversations, you’re not just collecting data — you’re also nurturing relationships. And your audience becomes so much more than just numbers; they become active participants in your brand journey.

The Future is Data-Driven

In a marketing landscape where personalization has become non-negotiable and options for data collection are shrinking, zero-party data shines as a beacon of possibility. The future of marketing is here — and it’s grounded in zero-party data.

Ready to up-level your access to zero party data? Connect with Huxly to discover how a customized OneOnOne can scale your access to zero-party data. Click here to schedule a call.

