My Appearance is Not a Reflection of my Talent

Rana Kassem
Published in
4 min readJan 28, 2020

Dana Khalil was a hard working woman who relentlessly performed her job with her utmost effort and constantly ensured efficiency within every aspect of her job. She’s been working at a fashion company for three years now, as a member of the marketing staff, and she truly felt passionate about what she does for the company.

She always yearned to excel in her career and rise to the top with the title of Marketing Director within the firm, and when her boss, Emma Anderson, had left the firm to move on to the next chapter of her life, Dana seized the opportunity and worked even harder for the Managing Director to promote her. She knew that with all the amount of ridiculously incredible work laced with creativity and originality that she exerted and shared with the company, would surely grant her the worthiness of the Marketing Director title.

“We would like to inform you that, Ben Martin will now be our new Marketing Director. Wish him luck, guys!” The Managing Director merrily spoke, and clapped his hands as the rest of the staff brought their hands together to applaud Ben for his new title, and although Dana clapped too, she couldn’t deny how crushed she felt.

It was the equivalent of snatching a candy bar out of a child’s hand, only this was much worse, and Dana had felt like she was so close to her dream, before it was ruthlessly ripped away from her. Why did she not get that title?

Dana was certain that she had done whatever she could to leave no excuse for anyone to not give her that well-deserved promotion. If it was not performance, then what could have possibly prevented her from making her dream a reality?

“Hey, uhm — Joseph? May I speak to you for a moment?” Dana asked when she approached the Managing Director’s office, and he snapped his head up from his laptop so he can have a look at her, and he smiled politely before gesturing for her to have a seat opposite his desk.

Dana moved forward, and gently sat down on the armchair before clearing her throat and speaking. “I just wanted some clarity … I’ve been working so hard for the entirety of my stay in this company, and I just want to know why … why I …”

“Why you didn’t get that promotion instead of Ben, am I right?” Joseph completed the question for Dana, and she gulped apprehensively and nodded hastily.

Joseph sighed. “Look, Dana — it’s really nothing personal, but when we really thought about it — we don’t think it would be appropriate for a fashion company like ours to have the face of our Marketing Team to be … someone like you.”

It hit her like a tonne of bricks all at once, and Dana felt the colour drain from her face, and clenched her jaw, suddenly feeling the rush of rage flowing through her veins, and she pursed her lips.

“Why? Because I wear Hijab?”

Photo by Muhammad Ruqiyaddin on Unsplash

Joseph shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “It’s like I’ve said, Dana. It’s really nothing personal.”

“Oh it is nothing but a personal matter, Joseph. I didn’t think you would be unprofessional enough to rule me out because of a clothing item I wear and completely disregarding my hard work and talent. This is a shameless act of discrimination.”

She rose up from her seat furiously before storming away from Joseph’s desk, who was unable to utter a single word. Dana knew she couldn’t do much to change the situation to be in her favour, but she knew she and her work would be truly appreciated elsewhere, and she was not going to wait another moment to be humiliated.

It’s quite the disappointment, but it was the bitter truth. In many cases, people all around the world are victims of discrimination — based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion etc. It is often addressed, and yet, no one really makes an effort to change things for the better, with equality among every single person walking this earth. People should be sorted based on their abilities in the workforce, and not based on their beliefs, skin-tones, and their gender. You must always remember that if you are ever faced with a discriminative situation, never hesitate to stand up for yourself and ensure that it doesn’t negatively affect your confidence and your self-esteem. When you react positively to a negative situation, it increases the chances of life morphing into a far better place full of equality and justice.



Rana Kassem
Writer for

20 year old creative writer with a passion for reading and yoga.