Deep Dive on SolarWinds Hack by NPR

Michael Lortz
Hybrid Analyst
Published in
May 10, 2021


A ‘Worst Nightmare’ Cyberattack: The Untold Story Of The SolarWinds Hack — Dina Temple-Raston,, 4/16/2021

Excellent in-depth report on the SolarWinds hack that was reporter earlier this year. NPR interviewed many of the people who discovered, announced, or tried to eradicate the malicious software. The article talks about how SolarWind works, how it became a target, and what the attack means to businesses and geopolitics. SolarWinds will be a case study for both tech and response management for a long time.

Or until next revolutionary attack.



Michael Lortz
Hybrid Analyst

Writer. Analyst. Trainer. Author: Curveball at the Crossroads, The Man Makes You Work.