Using IBM Cloud Satellite to run example banking app on OpenShift and IBM Cloud Databases in AWS

Truman Brown
AI+ Enterprise Engineering
19 min readDec 20, 2021

IBM-Managed OpenShift and Databases in Satellite Locations let you focus on applications and your users

In this article (originally published here and co-authored by Yan Koyfman), we show how to deploy a microservice based back-end in OpenShift running on an IBM Cloud Satellite Location on virtual servers running on AWS infrastructure. IBM Cloud Satellite allows you to connect your own compute infrastructure — either on-prem or running in another cloud provider — to a central control point on IBM Cloud, allowing for consistent management of OpenShift and other supported services like databases. In this article, we’ll create a Satellite location using Schematics based automation, then deploy and attach additional VMs from AWS to use for the IBM Cloud Database service , and deploy OpenShift (managed by IBM Cloud) on those virtual machines. We’ll set up App ID and configure our database, and finally, we’ll deploying our Node.js and Java microservice-based back-end to OpenShift. The application will be running on the AWS VPC hosts and will be made accessible via an OpenShift route, which we’ll be able to access via VPN.


We are running all our workloads in EC2 instances inside one VPC. Note that this includes control plane for Satellite, OpenShift worker nodes, and nodes required for IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL. In addition, we use the IBM Cloud App ID service to maintain a user directory for our sample app.

Architecture Overview

Included components



Listed below are the main parts of this guide:

  1. Create New Satellite Location
  2. Generate Satellite Script
  3. Create and Attach Additional Hosts to Satellite Location
  4. Creating an AWS EBS Storage Configuration for Satellite
  5. Enable Public Endpoints on the Satellite Control Plane
  6. Grant Databases for PostgreSQL Authorization to Satellite Cluster
  7. Deploying IBM Cloud Databases in Satellite (PostgreSQL)
  8. Create Storage Assignment for PostgreSQL Service Cluster
  9. Testing your PostgreSQL Deployment via psql CLI
  10. Provision OpenShift Cluster on Satellite Hosts
  11. Deploy Example Bank App on Satellite OpenShift with Satellite PostgreSQL

Note: Please see the following documentation for more details:


Create new Satellite location

We need to create six hosts of 8x32 with 300 GB: three of these hosts will be the control plane and the other three will be a part of the six total hosts needed for PostgreSQL ICD.

Go to IBM Cloud / Satellite/ Locations and Create A Satellite Location

Click on “AWS Quick Start”, input your AWS access and secret keys, and click on “Fetch options from AWS”.

We will start of with 6 hosts of 8x32 with 300 GB.

Create location

Now, since we chose the AWS Specific Satellite Location and entered our AWS Access Credentials, IBM will create a Schematic that runs Terraform to automatically provision the AWS VPC, Instances, Security Groups, etc.

You can see this by going to your newly created Satellite Location, and then click the “Manage in Schematics” blue tab in the top right:

From here, you can see the Terraform job ran that created the AWS EC2 instances, VPC, and more

And you can see them in the AWS Console as well (Make sure you are in the correct region.)

Generate Script

For some EC2 hosts, we need to provision them manually and run this script (which is specific to this Satellite location) to attach it to IBM Cloud for management.

Go to your Satellite Location and click “Attach Host”. We will need to download this script so that we can add the remaining 3 hosts:

After downloading the Script, we have to make a change to the script. Open the script in VS Code (or another editor) and navigate to line 19. As per the following guide, step 3, we need to add the following section:

API_URL=""# Enable AWS RHEL package updates
yum update -y
yum-config-manager --enable '\*'
yum repolist all
yum install container-selinux -y
echo "repos enabled"

Now, save this script. We will use this script in the next steps when creating the EC2 hosts.

Create and Attach Additional Hosts to Satellite Location

Like the original guide mentioned, we need the following types of AWS Hosts in our Satellite location for Postgres ICD to run:

  • Three type 8x32 hosts:
  • On AWS, choose three hosts of type AWS m5d.2xlarge.
  • Three type 32x128 hosts
  • On AWS choose three hosts of type AWS m5d.8xlarge.

Now, we already have the three type 8x32 (AWS m5d.2xlarge) provisioned and attached in our Satellite location, but we now need to provision the three type 32x128 (AWS m5d.8xlarge) EC2 nodes in AWS and attach them to the IBM Cloud Satellite Location.

First, we will provision the nodes in our AWS VPC. Follow the following instructions under Manually adding AWS hosts to Satellite

Click “Launch Instances” in the top right. Refer to one of the previously created instances and their AMI to make sure the hosts work correctly on the previously created VPC.

Select the correct m5d.8xlarge Instance type

Choose 1 for the “Number of instances” and fill out remaining options like other previous instances. I know this picture shows 3 instances being created, but it is important to only launch one instance at a time so that we can manually assign each instance to each of the three subnets. This is important because we need to have 1 of each of the 32x128 hosts in the three different availability zones as IBM Cloud Satellite requires the hosts to be spread out across the three zones.

IMPORTANT: Before moving on to the next steps, make sure you expand the “Advanced Details” section and enter your edited Attach Host Script file in the “User Data” section.

At the Add Storage tab, expand the root volume to a minimum of 100 GiB

At the Add Tags section, add an organization tag to keep track of the ibm-satellite key. Look at your previously auto-created EC2 instances to find the correct value. I also added a zone key to keep track of the availability zone they are in.

In the Configure Security Group tab, make sure to select the existing security group that was created by the IBM Terraform Schematic in AWS. You can also find this security group ID in one of the previously created Instances’ Details section.

Now, launch your instances in AWS EC2. After ~10 minutes, you should see them attached to your new IBM Satellite Location assuming you entered the script correctly when creating the instances.

Creating an AWS EBS Storage Configuration for Satellite

Before we can deploy the ICD to our Satellite service cluster, we need to use the CLI to create an AWS EBS Storage Configuration so that our cluster can dynamically provision EBS Storage as needed.

I’ll be following these two guides closely:

Log into IBMCloud CLI. Run the following commands

ibmcloud sat location lsibmcloud target -r us-east

You should see your Satellite location in the list. Take note of the Location ID. That will be used in the next command.

ibmcloud sat storage config create \\ --name
'aws-ebs-config-storage-testing-1' \\ --template-name
'aws-ebs-csi-driver' \\ --template-version '0.9.14' \\ --location
'${LOCATION_ID}' \\ -p "aws-access-key=${SAT_EBS_ADMIN_KEY_ID}" \\ -p

In my case, the command looked like the following:

ibmcloud sat storage config create --name
'aws-ebs-config-storage-testing-1' --template-name 'aws-ebs-csi-driver'
--template-version '0.9.14' --location 'c5a970pw0vr25d5s9740' -p
"aws-access-key=\<…>" -p "aws-secret-access-key=\<…>”

You can verify that the config was created by running the following command.

ibmcloud sat storage config ls

Enable Public Endpoints on the Satellite Control Plane

For more information, see:

Retrieve your public endpoints/IP’s from your AWS portal for the control plan hosts. These are NOT the same as the IP addresses listed in the Satellite Location Hosts page:

However, you can use those private IP Addresses of the control plane hosts in IBM Cloud to identify the control plane EC2 instances in AWS and get their Public IP. Note the Public IPs of the control plane instances. In my case, the public IP’s were the following

Public IP’s:

Then, run the following command

ibmcloud sat location dns register --location \<location> --ip \<public-ip1> --ip \<public-ip2> --ip \<public-ip3>

Save this output for a future step.

Grant Databases for PostgreSQL Authorization to Satellite Cluster


Go to IBM Cloud / Manage / Access (IAM) Console / Authorizations:

From here, create a new Authorization. The source service is the service that is granted access to the target service. The roles you select define the level of access for this service. The target service is the service you are granting permission to be accessed by the source service based on the assigned roles. Use the following details

  • In the Source Service field, select Databases for Postgres
  • In the Target Service field, select Satellite.
  • Select all options:
  • Satellite Cluster Creator
  • Satellite Link Administrator
  • Satellite Link Source Access Controller
  • Then Authorize.

Deploying IBM Cloud Databases in Satellite (PostgreSQL)


Once you have prepared your satellite location and granted service authorization, you can provision your ICD Satellite Deployment by selecting the Satellite location you have created in the Location dropdown of the provisioning page. For thorough documentation of the provisioning process, see the relevant Provisioning documentation for your ICD Satellite deployment. Once you have created a new service instance, this instance will appear in the IBM Cloud Resource List as Provisioned.

Go to the following link to start the provisioning:

If all goes well, then the PostgreSQL Service Cluster will be provisioned and will automatically assign the needed hosts to the Cluster. You should see the following in your satellite location.

NOTE: My screenshot above (and some other screenshots below) show a “Databases for Redis” service and not PostgreSQL. This is because I deployed Redis into my satellite location first. However, you can deploy multiple ICD instances (Redis, PostgreSQL, etcd) into the same AWS 6-host service. They can reside on the same hosts, using the same resources, just note that the service name in the satellite location will be named after whatever ICD you deploy into your location first. My PostgreSQL ICD is also residing in the same hosts, and in the same service.


After provisioning, you may see the following warning:

If you click on the Assign hosts, you’ll see that Databases for PostgreSQL is asking for CPU:32 hosts in the us-east-1c and us-east-1b regions. When we manually provisioned these 32 CPU hosts, they were all created in the same Zone if you launched 3 instances at once. We now need to move two of them to east-1b and east-1c respectively. Unfortunately, you can’t move pre-existing EC2 instances to another availability zone.

Make new instance, but make sure to choose the other two subnets when creating it, which will cause it to deploy in a different availability zone, also add a “zone” tag just in case.

Create Storage Assignment for PostgreSQL Service Cluster

When the service cluster is available in your Satellite location, the next step is to create a Satellite storage assignment. This will allow the service cluster to create volumes on the previously configured storage.

First, we need to get the Cluster ID

ic sat location ls

Get the ICD Cluster ID and use it to create a storage assignment.

ic sat service ls --location aws-eastcoast-ICD

Now, create the storage assignment from the “Databases for Redis/PostgreSQL” Service Cluster with the following command

ibmcloud sat storage assignment create --name "ebs-assignment"
--service-cluster-id \<Databases for PostgreSQL Service Cluster
ID> --config 'aws-ebs-config-storage-testing-1'

You can verify that the Storage was created by running

ibmcloud sat storage assignment ls

Within ~30 minutes of assigning the storage, you should see your PostgreSQL Satellite Database be deployed in IBM Cloud Resource List:

Testing your PostgreSQL Deployment via psql CLI

To test your PostgreSQL deployment, you will want to connect to the instance via CLI. However, since the Postgres Instance is running on AWS, in a VPC, you won’t be able to connect to the instance via CLI on your local machine until you set up a VPN connection to the VPC.

Another option to access your Postgres instance is to create a EC2 VM inside the VOC. I will be using a “Standby” VM Satellite Host in AWS. What this means is that this AWS EC2 instance will be created the same way that we created the previous EC2 instances, and it will get recognized by our Satellite location, but we won’t assign it to any service in the Satellite Location because we want to SSH into this instance. If we assign the Standby VM to a service in IBM Cloud Satellite, we will lose SSH privileges.

So we will create a new EC2 instance in AWS in the same location and VPC as our other Satellite Hosts:

First, we need to import our CEH SSH Key into AWS to use for our instance. Go to the EC2 Console and go to “Key Pairs” in the Left Tab Menu

And then go to “Actions” and “Import Key Pair

Now, go and launch a new EC2 instance.

According to the following requirements, the host must be a minimum of 4x16, so we will use the m5d.xlarge requirement

Follow the earlier instructions to add this Instance into your VPC and security group, etc.

Right before you launch, make sure to use the existing SSH Key you imported before so you can SSH into the instance.

You should see your host show up in your satellite location. Do NOT assign it to any service as you will lose SSH ability if you do.

Edit the security group that your instances use to allow SSH Inbound on Port 22. You can specifically add your Home Router IP, or just use to allow all connections, even though you might get hit by spamming SSH attempts.

Now, connect to your EC2 instance with your SSH key

Install the latest redli release for Linux on

sudo yum install postgresql

Then, download the TLS Certificate in your PostgreSQL Satellite Database Instance in IBM Cloud

And then transfer this file over to your EC2 instance from your local machine

scp -i \~/.ssh/cehsshkey \<cert file>

And now you should see it in your SSH’ed into EC2 Instance

Once the SSL Cert is in transferred to the EC2 SSH Host, SSH into the EC2 host and run the following command you can copy from the CLI Public endpoint, or from your service credentials from the IBM Cloud Postgres instance as well. However, I was getting the issue with using the last argument “sslmode=verify-full”. If you are getting issues connecting, delete that argument, like I did in the screenshot below, and you should be able to connect. Get the username/password from your service credentials in your PostgreSQL Instance on IBM Cloud Satellite.

PGPASSWORD=$PASSWORD PGSSLROOTCERT=86efc6db-1d65-4f5e-a779-0ca98226adcb
port=30819 dbname=ibmclouddb user=$USERNAME sslmode=verify-full"

List the database with “\l”. Keep in mind the previous log in command I used will log into the ibmclouddb.

Provision OpenShift Cluster on Satellite Hosts**

For the next few pages/sections, we will be focusing on an application that is meant to reside within the satellite location, running on a Red Hat OpenShift Cluster in the same AWS VPC. This means we will need to provision a OpenShift Cluster on AWS Hosts before we can continue. Go to your AWS console, and provision 3 m5d.xlarge instances across 3 different availability zones, like we did in previous steps for the ICD workload hosts. Attached below are some screenshots of the AMI, Instance Type, and Storage I used for each host.

Once the 3 hosts are provisioned, and they are showing up in your as Unassigned in your Satellite location hosts, we will now assign them to an OpenShift Cluster. Go to IBM Cloud / OpenShift / Clusters / Create Cluster.

Under Infrastructure, ensure you choose “Satellite”, and choose your satellite location that as the 3 hosts available to run your OpenShift Cluster. Ensure you only assign 1 worker to each zone, and that the vCPUs and Memory are the same as your m5d.xlarge EC2 instances. Once created, you should see the cluster created under Services in your sat. location

IMPORTANT: You will not be able to access the OpenShift Console for this cluster yet as it is located within the AWS VPC and uses the private IPs for the cluster worker nodes, and you do not have a VPN set-up. Use a procedure similar to the following: Note that in addition to following these steps, you’ll need to expose port 51280 UDP on the VPN. For more Satellite specific steps, visit:

You should now have access to your OpenShift Cluster console, the oc CLI, and kubectl commands. You will use them in the following section.

Deploy Example Bank App to OpenShift Satellite Cluster

We will be deploying the following app on our Satellite OpenShift Cluster running on AWS Hosts: This application will be running on the same AWS VPC as the PostgreSQL ICD we provisioned earlier.

First, clone the following repository onto your local machine because we will be utilizing many deployment scripts located in this example bank repository. Then, make sure to use the “satellite” branch of the repository as this contains the correct deployment scripts/configuration for a Satellite cluster.

git clone
git checkout satellite

Now, log into your OpenShift cluster after setting up your VPN into the VPC, and copy the login command and paste that command into your terminal to get kubectl access to your cluster.

Create a new namespace to house the resources of the example bank application, and switch to that namespace for the remainder of this tutorial.

kubectl create ns example-bank
oc project example-bank

Now, navigate to the example-bank cloned directory and cd into “scripts”. Once there, also ensure that you are logged into your IBM Cloud account by going to IBM Cloud, and going to the account tab in the top right, and copying the login command for ibmcloud CLI.

Now, once you are logged into that terminal as well, we’ll start by running a script to create a free instance of App ID in your cloud account. Make sure you are logged in to your IBM Cloud account and that ibmcloud CLI is available.

$ cd scripts
$ ./
App ID instance created and configured
Management server: https://****

Save the Management server and API key from above as environment variables MGMTEP and APIKEY, as they will be used in a subsequent step.


Next, you need to manually create the last secret needed for the database used by the Example Bank application. This secret contains the credentials for your PostgreSQL instance. Get your service credentials by going to your IBM Cloud / Resource List / Postgres Sat. ICD instance / Service Credentials.

Copy and note these credentials as they will be used to connect to your PostgreSQL instance.

Use the following template to create your secret, with all the <…> fields from your service credentials.

kubectl create secret generic bank-db-secret

Now, all your necessary secrets should be created. Next, we will deploy the different microservices of the example bank application. Run the following command to first apply a job yaml that will install the necessary schema in our PostgreSQL database.

oc apply -f data_model/job.yaml

And verify the status by running the following commands

cc-schema-load 1/1 29s 15m
cc-schema-load-xcfrs 0/1 Completed 0 15m
$ oc logs cc-schema-load-xcfrsCREATE EXTENSION
You are now connected to database "example" as user "postgres".

Next, we will deploy the transaction and user microservices with the following commands.

cd bank-app-backend
oc apply -f transaction-service/deployment.yaml -f

Verify the services are running with the following commands.

transaction-service ClusterIP \<none> 9080/TCP 3d23h
user-service ClusterIP \<none> 9080/TCP 3d23h
transaction-service-55b9bfb4cd-jzkgq 1/1 Running 0 26s
user-service-55b99c5c44-dpd9k 1/1 Running 0 25s

Next, we will deploy the mobile simulator microservice using the prebuilt image in the repository. cd back into the main example-bank directory, and run the following command to deploy the mobile simulator service and route.

oc apply -f deployment.yaml

And verify that the mobile simulator microservice, and all the previously created pods, are all running successfully.

transaction-service-55b9bfb4cd-jzkgq 1/1 Running 0 26s
user-service-55b99c5c44-dpd9k 1/1 Running 0 25s
mobile-simulator-deployment-7d474bf6d9 1/1 Running 0 25s

Now, in order to actually reach the mobile-simulator on a browser, run the following command to get the route of the mobile-simulator service, and then paste that route into a browser to access the front-end of the application.

oc get routes

And paste the route URL into a browser (do NOT use https://<…>, paste as is). You should be directed to a screen like the following. Now, click the bank icon to sign in or create a new user, and make some purchases!

Erasure service

The erasure service is a Kubernetes CronJob that runs daily to anonymize data for users who have made a deletion request.

  • Build and push image
cd bank-user-cleanup-utilitymvn package
docker build -t <your_repo>/bank-user-cleanup-utility:1.0-SNAPSHOT .
docker push <your_repo>/bank-user-cleanup-utility:1.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Update the image name in the job.yaml file to point at the image in the repository used above.

Deploy job:

oc apply -f job.yaml

Note that the CronJob won’t run immediately upon, since it’s scheduled to run every 24 hours.

To run it on-demand, create a Job resources from the CronJob:

oc create job --from=cronjob/bank-user-cleanup-utility delete-now

When you list jobs you will see the completed delete-now job, as well as completed database load job. If you check the logs of the delete job, you'll see which users have been processed by the job.

$ oc get jobs
delete-now 1/1 33s 45h
cc-schema-load 1/1 6s 3d

Data cleanup

Data erasure is a two-phase operation, one synchronous and one scheduled. When an authenticated DELETE REST call is made for a given user, the unique ID that ties the database user entry to AppId is cleared from the local in-cluster Postgres instance. As this is the only way to connect the data the bank app to the real user identity (name, etc.), we've effectively anonymized the transactions data. The Java User service then flags the account as deleted, which can be useful for logging purposes.

The erasure service operates as a Kubernetes CronJob that checks that the user has been deleted from our database, and also removes them from App ID, effectively unregistering the user.


In summary, IBM Cloud Satellite offers a unique and powerful tool to manage OpenShift and production-ready Database environments in satellite locations. In our case, we deployed a microservice based application and a PostgreSQL instance on AWS infrastructure, while still managing these resources from a single pane of glass from IBM Cloud.

