Prepare to Be Wowed:

A List of the Top 10 Anime Series You Need to See

From Timeless Classics to Modern Masterpieces!

Hybrid Haven
Published in
11 min readApr 11, 2023


Photo by Dex Ezekiel on Unsplash

Ranking any top 10 anime shows is subjective, as individual preferences and opinions can significantly influence the choices.

Most Top 10 lists would likely consist of the same 4 or 5 anime, coupled with a few of our favorites and series that we have a nostalgic attachment to from our childhood.

However, considering factors such as critical acclaim, popularity, and cultural impact, here is a list of ten highly praised anime shows (in no particular order):

1. Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995):

EVA-01 Mech Sculpture, Image on Wikimedia Commons, By photo: Fayhoo; sculpture: khara Inc. (Japan), SCLA and Heitao Interactive (both China) — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Neon Genesis Evangelion is a critically acclaimed mecha anime series that follows the story of a teenage boy named Shinji Ikari. His father recruits him to pilot a giant bio-machine called an Evangelion to defend Earth from menacing beings known as Angels.

The series delves deep into character studies and psychological explorations of the main characters, providing a unique blend of…



Dwight Wilson Jr.
Hybrid Haven

Photographer, developer, anime lover, gamer, looking to share a good story.