hybrix | Feature Friday 21st Of May

Rouke Pouw
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2021

Every week we highlight a hybrix feature. This week we dive into:

Engine hybrixd multi threading capabilities

hybrixd is the main engine of our product line. It powers everything in our platform: from our web-wallet and API, to multi block explorer and swapping mechanism.

Anyone can run a node own their own personal computer or server by downloading the daemon called hybrixd. This makes it possible to host your own wallet, be your own bank and have a powerful multi-blockchain toolkit and ecosystem at your fingertips. (To run your own node check out, https://api.hybrix.io/help/hybrixd)

Run your own node: https://api.hybrix.io/help/hybrixd

Scaling for bigger and better

Recently we have begun upgrading internal components to handle many more aspects asynchronously.

The goal is to improve performance to facilitate scaling. As hybrix is getting bigger we need to ensure we’re also getting better. Of course our dream is to become a lot bigger and better!

To ensure all threads and processes are running safely in parallel we have added a garcefull shutdown mechanism to our node. This causes all running processes to be completed before shutting down and prevents data loss.

When you boot up your node you will now be welcomed by an ASCII art splash screen:

Shut Down

To shut down your node you can use the /command/stop API endpoint or use Control+C key combination. If you want to shut down immediately you can press Control+C again to force shutdown. In the worse case scenarios the latter could result in data corruption. If that would happen to you recovery should be pretty easy by checking and correcting the .corrupt files located in /var/recipes inside your hybrixd directory.


To prevent an information overload we’ve decided to turn log streaming off by default. You can still access your logs by checking tail ./var/log/hybrixd.log or re-enable log streaming by defining the following in your hybrixd.conf file:

output = true

Inspired to run your own hybrix node or want to learn more?
Check out the documentation at

