hybrix Feature Friday | 9th July

Rouke Pouw
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2021

Every week we highlight a hybrix feature. This week we dive into: Universal Login

We work hard on building the hybrix wallet. It’s a multi ledger wallet, built with privacy and security by design and we recently included cross-chain swapping and asset fueling! You can use our public nodes or host your own node. To check it out: visit wallet.hybrix.io

If you’re already using another wallet but would want to try some of the special features that hybrix offers, then you can now log in to our wallet using the Universal Login feature. It allows you to login to your wallet using hybrix with keys for any asset and start using the hybrix features with your own cryptocurrency right away!

Our wallet is built to handle keys deterministically and non-custodial, and it keeps your keys only on your own computer. We don’t touch them! The same goes for the keys you use for the Universal Login. Your keys stay with you, as it should be. Hybrix lets you do more with your keys than other wallets. For example you can now swap coins and fuel your assets to be able to move them.

How does it work?

Browse to wallet.hybrix.io (or host your own node) and click on the universal login button below the login screen:

The regular login screen with the button for Universal Login right below. Select your asset and enter the private key. After login is complete you will see your Ethereum wallet:

But let’s not stop at that! The power of hybrix is multi-chain: you can add some more assets to your wallet, next to the asset keys you used to log in. For example, store Bitcoin natively while using an Ethereum key to log in. This is a feature unique to hybrix.

Hold the assets you want in your personal hybrix wallet, using the cryptocurrency private key of your choice.

And it gets even better

Using the one key pair for one chain you can actually manage wallets on all supported chains and hundreds of tokens available on those chains.

That means that you can login to the hybrix wallet using your Tomochain keys, add a Bitcoin address, a Ripple address and manage and swap between them from your hybrix wallet. All using only the Tomochain key in when using Universal Login!

This new feature gives you even more control over your crypto assets, and lets you combine hybrix and its features with any other wallet out there. As often said in free and open source circles: Have a lot of fun!

Want to know more about the wallet functionalities? Check out our documentation over at: api.hybrix.io If there’s anything you cannot find there, come and talk to us on Telegram and we’ll do our best to help you improve your hybrix experience!

