hybrix Feature Friday | June 11th

Amine Ouadrhiri
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2021

Every week we highlight a hybrix feature. This week we dive into: Run your own hybrix node!

Becoming independent
Do you want to be fully independent of banks, corporations and institutions? Then host your own crypto platform, from which you can load your very own crypto wallet! This guide will show you how to do just that, so strap in and hold tight…

Things you need

  • A computer, the internet
  • Some basic knowledge of the terminal/console
  • This guide is written for Mac OS and also works on Linux (for Windows you will need to configure WSL)

The Why

  • Cut out the middleman, and have full control with your own open source wallet
  • Modify the source code as needed (for this you want to use our source code provided over here: https://github.com/hybrix-io)
  • If the online wallet is down, no stress: simply switch to your own wallet!

Step 1.
Download the latest version of the hybrix node under this link: https://hybrix.io/en/products (click on the hybrix node download link on the left).

Step 2.
Create a folder and call it ‘node’ (or whatever you like), proceed to unzip the file in that folder. You will now have everything you need at your disposal.

Step 3.
In your terminal go to the folder ‘node’ (or the name you choose for it) you’ve just created. Then type in the following command:


You should see the hybrix logo appear.

Starting your own hybrixd node

Step 4.
Now how do you get to your locally hosted wallet? Open up your favorite browser and type in the following into the address bar:


Step 5.
Log in with your credentials, or create new wallets. You have successfully set up your own fully functional crypto environment in a few simple steps.

If you want to stop the node type CONTROL-C in the terminal window where the node is running. Or simply close the terminal window.

For more help and info please visit the https://api.hybrix.io/help/hybrixd help page. :-)

Pssst…..actually you’ve done far more than set up a local wallet. It turns out to be a fully fledged crypto environment: platform, API, node and much more. Stay tuned for more How To’s about that.

Want even more power? Visit www.hybrix.io for more tips, tricks and tools to transact the way you want!



Amine Ouadrhiri

Marketing & Content specialist. On a mission to create great content. Managing Director @MinisterieVanCreativiteit & Marketing Director @hybrix