Hydax Bi-Weekly Update | Vol. 15 | “Let There be Light”

Hydax Media
Published in
1 min readJun 1, 2020

Dear Hydax users,

The most famous sentence in the opening paragraph of Genesis is “Fiat lux” — Latin for “Let there be light”. Bitcoin has brought light into a confused world of debased paper currencies, fractional-reserve banking implosions, remittance companies charging migrants a month’s wages, fiscal policies that benefit wealthy special interest groups. When we look back in fifty years, I think bitcoin will be seen as one of the most positive contributions to the world’s population of our era.

Hydax is still promoting Bitcoin and digital assets in different countries and letting more people know and use crypto assets. We hope you can continually support and join our journey.

Hydax · Platform Information

【Platform Operation】

  • Hydax new trading pairs started from May 14, 2020. For details:

USDT/HUSD: hydax.com/exchange/USDT/HUSD

TUSD/HUSD: hydax.com/exchange/TUSD/HUSD

USDC/HUSD: hydax.com/exchange/USDC/HUSD

PAX/HUSD: hydax.com/exchange/PAX/HUSD

ETH/HUSD: hydax.com/exchange/ETH/HUSD

BTC/HUSD: hydax.com/exchange/BTC/HUSD

  • Hydax BTC Halving Event

To celebrate the upcoming BTC halving, Hydax is launching the triple “Mainstream Currency Reduction” events.

Link: https://t.me/HydaxNews/287

【Technical Updates】

  • Repair bugs
  • Planning for new products
  • Update UI details

