Hydax Bi-Weekly Update Vol. 16 | Keep Social Distancing and Stay Healthy

Hydax Media
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2020

Dear Hydax users,

The price of Bitcoin is stably around $9000 — $10,000, if you are using our Grid Trading tool (if you haven't tried, these articles could help you get started https://hydax.zendesk.com/hc/en-001/sections/360007973571-Hydax-x-BitUniverse-Grid-Trading-Tool-Guide), then you may have had some profitable past weeks.

The world is still suffering from COVID-19. So keep social distancing and stay healthy!

Hydax · Platform Information

【Platform Operation】

  • Hydax was included in HUSD Official Ecosystem among other outstanding crypto exchanges and projects in the blockchain industry, including Huobi Global, Paxos Global, and FTX.

Link: https://twitter.com/HydaxE/status/1274775384865857536

  • Hydax was listed among the top 3 BTC inflow exchanges globally by BitUniverse in their weekly report of Exchange Transparent Balance Rank.

Link: https://twitter.com/HydaxE/status/1274775384865857536

  • Hydax and TOKENVIEW reached a strategic partnership.

【Technical Updates】

  • Back-end platform upgrade
  • Service fee system upgrade
  • Updated market making system for better rate and performance

