What game Justin Sun sharing now? FOMO 3D team back again with Just.Game!

Hydax Media
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2019

— If you want to play Just Game, come to Hydax!

Great news! Play Just Game, you can use TRON to play directly through Hydax exchange wallet. Hydax Exchange has already listed and opened TRON trading pairs. Moreover, Hydax Exchange is currently having an activity, the transaction fee for mainstream currencies such as TRON is as low as 0.05%, the lowest in the world! If you want to play Just games, come to Hydax and buy TRON and start the game!

What is Just. Game?

Still remember the popular FOMO 3D game? Today, they launched a new game called Just.Game, new rules, new addiction mode, you just can’t stop it! It may have a wider audience than FOMO 3D. According to the team, it can be played with “Exchange Wallet”.

Justin Sun livestream the progress of the game, which means how much attention he pays to this game.

Just.Game Whitepaper:


Just.Game website:www.just.game

