New Project Sugarverse is Coming to Hydra Chain! (LOC Token) Official Blog
Hydra Chain
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2023

🎉 We are thrilled to announce a new project coming to the Hydra chain — Sugarverse!

With the HydraGon project advancing at full speed, poised to introduce protocol-level EVM, and the Hydra DAO successfully taking flight, it’s the perfect moment to unveil the latest venture within the Hydra ecosystem: Sugarverse!

The team behind the project has made an official proposal via the Hydra DAO and awaits your feedback.

👉 Sugarverse Proposal

But first, let’s explore what the Sugarverse actually is!

What is the Sugarverse?

Sugarverse is a GameFi ecosystem consisting of 7 planets, each featuring its own mobile casual game. The system is equipped with a self-sustaining play & earn economy and as the name suggests, is hosted inside the metaverse!

Players can travel between planets to play the different games. Income generated while playing the games can be used to buy land or build space-ships inside the metaverse. Each of these purchases comes with its own benefits.

Land NFTs can be purchased and fused, enabling the construction of buildings. These can yield income, enable NFT discoveries and much more!

Spaceships allow for interplanetary travel, but are not easy to obtain! There are 3 types of spaceships:

  • Cargo Trade Ships
  • Exploration Vessels
  • Passenger Spaceships

Who knows, maybe one day you will be a spaceship owner yourself?

The first game: SugarMatch

The first game is already on its way and players will soon be able to alpha-test it.

Some of the more notable achievements of the team:

  • Combined 60 million registered players across several games
  • Track record of 10 mobile games currently live
  • More than 100,000 daily active users
  • 15+ years of experience in creating games
  • Close to $5,000,000 in funding secured

The Hydra DAO Proposal

The Sugarverse team made an official proposal via the Hydra DAO. It can be accessed below:

In a nutshell, the proposal consists of the following:

- Sugarverse to become a whitelisted project within the Hydra community (eligible for official Telegram and Twitter mentions, getting listed in the projects section of the website and being included in the default token list on the Hydra DEX)
- Exclusive seed round allocation to the Hydra community for a limited $150k — at the price of $0.0008 per token
- Lockup period of 6 months, followed by a 12-month linear vesting phase
- 25% of the raised funds will be deployed as liquidity into the Hydra DEX
- Hydra EVM to be integrated into the Sugarverse ecosystem
- The Sugarverse to become accessible directly from the Hydra chain (after the HydraGon launch)

The proposal will be put to a vote soon, so please make sure to leave your comments, feedback and questions on the DAO forum as soon as possible!

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HYDRA is a proof-of-stake blockchain optimized for real-world businesses. It tackles some of the most profound and challenging issues with existing blockchain economies and introduces a truly shared economy with fair treatment to all network participants.


-- (LOC Token) Official Blog
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