Revealing Project Prometheus — A Vision for Infinite Scalability! (LOC Token) Official Blog
Hydra Chain
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2023

We are happy to reveal Project Prometheus — a concept for a major upgrade to the Hydra chain, unlocking infinite scalability and enhanced agility.

This proposal only becomes possible thanks to the approval of HydraGon, which already in active development and will establish the foundation for Project Prometheus.

What is Project Prometheus?

The project is currently at its design/research phase and aims to accomplish the next major leap forward, after the completion of HydraGon.

Building on top of the HydraGon technology, Prometheus introduces a powerful sharding technology that would allow for infinite scalability on the Hydra L1 network! How it works is that several instances of the network are maintained in parallel, and cross-chain communication channels synchronize the data and state between them.

There can be an infinite amount of shards, if necessary. Considering that each shard comes with its own transaction capacity, this essentially opens up infinite scalability on-demand.

The busier the existing shards become, the higher the incentive will be for new shards to be deployed. Deployment is permission-less and open to everyone. This allows the network to scale dynamically as needed.

Illustration of a contract operation involving 3 shards

One of the powerful features of the concept is that the communication between shards is highly efficient, and that anyone can interact easily with any shard they want, without having to deploy funds on them. This becomes possible thanks to the shared Hydra economy. As all shards are powered by the same HYDRA coin, it essentially unites their interests and bundles the economic impact.

With the multi-shard architecture the network would become even more flexible, while at the same time solving the scalability problem once and for all.

In theory it would become possible for a single DAPP to scale as much as the entire capacity of a shard, estimated to be about 4,000 TPS. You can read more about project Prometheus via the concept paper:

👉 Prometheus Concept Paper

Project Prometheus DAO Proposal

In order to formally present the project to the Hydra community and to get a preliminary approval for it, we have shared it in the Hydra DAO as a proposal. You can access it through the link below:

Please read through the proposal and the concept paper, and let us know what you think! In a nutshell, the proposal seeks approval on the following:

  • To acknowledge Prometheus as a worthy project to be explored further, refining the design and continuing research on it
  • To approve the general philosophy and direction of the concept
  • Using Prometheus for marketing purposes and positioning it as part of the vision of Hydra chain

The proposal will be put up for voting soon, so please make sure to leave your comments before that!

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HYDRA is a proof-of-stake blockchain optimized for real-world businesses. It tackles some of the most profound and challenging issues with existing blockchain economies and introduces a truly shared economy with fair treatment to all network participants.


-- (LOC Token) Official Blog
Hydra Chain

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