Guide — HDN Bonds

Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2023

Bonds represent one of the convenient methods for acquiring Hydranet’s token, HDN. This option is sold directly from the official Hydranet website and offers HDN sold off-market, which effectively means that this option is sold without slippage. Every bond purchase comes with an associated vesting period, known as the bond’s maturity period. This vesting period may differ depending on the price of the bond and is essentially designed to prevent bad actors from immediately selling their acquired HDN tokens.

The proceeds from bond sales contribute to increasing Hydranet’s treasury, which, in turn, is used to cover expenses associated with the ongoing development of the Hydranet DEX. In simpler terms, by purchasing bonds, you contribute directly to the Hydranet project and ensure that its development can continue. The multi-sig team is responsible for the issuance and management of bonds, along with the generated funds.

Interested in acquiring Hydranet bonds and contributing to the project? Excellent! We have prepared a guide on how to navigate this process.

If you reside in the United States or if you are under the legal jurisdiction of the United States, you are not allowed to purchase Hydranet bonds.

Step 1 - Access the bonds page

Open your browser and navigate to the following website:

Step 2 - Connect your wallet

Press the Connect button and select your preferred wallet, e.g., MetaMask.

Step 3 - Connect your wallet

Once your wallet is connected, you will have access to the bond page. Browse through the available bonds listed on the platform and pay attention to:

  • What token you want to spend for purchasing the bond.
  • The bond’s price and maturity period.

Different bonds may have different prices and maturity periods. Bonds with higher prices may mature faster while bonds with lower prices and longer maturity periods may sell out more quickly.

You can verify the token contract of each bond and its associated token by clicking View Token-Contract (indicated by the arrow in the image below).

Step 4 - Purchase the bond

Select the bond you want to purchase by clicking on Buy Now.

A window will appear, asking you to confirm the token you are using for your purchase, for instance, USDT.

  • Approve the amount your wallet may spend for your purchase, for instance, 50 USDT.
  • Enter the desired amount you want to spend on the bond.
  • Review all the details carefully.
  • Click Buy Bond to proceed with the purchase.

Step 5 - Monitor your bonds

After purchasing, the maturity of your bond will start. You can monitor the time left before your bond is claimable by navigating to the My Bonds section. Be patient and wait for the bond to mature according to the specified period.


Please remember to exercise caution and do your own research before investing in any financial product. Ensure that the website and contract you are using are correct, and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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