Guide — HDN on Ledger

Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2023

HDN is now available on Ledger hardware wallets! Ledger is a well-known provider of hardware wallets (cold wallets) and is a great solution for securing your HDN. Please refer to this guide on how to set up your Ledger for HDN.

Step 1

Make sure your Ledger device and the Ledger Live software on your computer are fully updated.

Step 2

Go to Accounts and press Add Account. Select Arbitrum (ETH) and press Continue.

Step 3

Connect your device, unlock it, and open the Ethereum app on your device (as indicated in the instructions in Ledger Live).

Step 4

Select a name for your account and press Add Account.

Step 5

You are now ready to deposit HDN to your Ledger. Before moving large amounts, please make a few smaller deposits and withdrawals to see that everything is set up correctly

Thanks to iPally, a Hydranet DAO member, who helped compose this article!

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