HydraSwap Welcomes Strategic Investment by In Square Ventures

Game-changing AMM for Liquidity Providers Expands Private Fundraising Round

3 min readSep 13, 2021


In Square Ventures Invests in HydraSwap

Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce a strategic investment from blockchain investor and incubator In Square Ventures.

As part of the HydraSwap private fundraising round, In Square joins an impressive list of blockchain and cryptocurrency investors, including Momentum 6, Kyros Ventures, Titans Ventures, and Definitive Capital. The proceeds from the strategic investment will go towards HydraSwap’s product and market expansion.

HydraSwap Empowers LPs With the Tools of Big Money Managers

The popularity of automated market makers (AMMs) is driving the DeFi boom. By replacing order books with liquidity pools created by smart contracts, passive savers can earn fees as liquidity providers without the headaches of active investment management. Driven by the advantages of automated, permissionless finance, the total locked value in liquidity mining has almost doubled since January to 86 billion USD. However, lacking the tools to adjust positions like traditional money managers, LPs (Liquidity Providers) face high risk of impermanent loss and low capital efficiency.

At the core of the HydraSwap platform is the Hydra Market Maker (HMM), a smart engine that removes the computational and gas bottlenecks of EVM-based chains. Additionally, HydraSwap provides advanced trading modules including a fee settling model that compensates LPs for the level of volatility risk in the market.

On HydraSwap’s smart features, Ryan Lu, Co-founder of In Square Ventures commented,

“In Square Ventures (ISV) is one of the premier and fastest growing venture capital firms because we invest in rapidly-growing blockchain innovation like that demonstrated by HydraSwap’s HMM and advanced trading modules, and partner closely with their exceptional management teams. We are delighted to have HydraSwap join our portfolio of top-performing projects. ISV is widely known for working on a long-term investment thesis, nurturing startups alongside its prosperous portfolio to attain the vision of redefining the blockchain for a better world.”

Leading Blockchain VC Backs HydraSwap

In Square Ventures is a blockchain investment fund led by a team of seasoned blockchain investors. Dedicated to the mantra “We power growth,” the team combines hands-on investment management experience with an AI-driven data mining and machine learning approach to choosing investments in the blockchain space. With the HydraSwap investment, In Square expands its investments in the Solana ecosystem which include Solana fundraising and trading platform Solanium.io.

“In Square has developed a reputation for selecting blockchain innovators that extract new value for token holders. HydraSwap’s entire suite of products has been designed to let LPs create more value by giving them the powerful tools of traditional financial market players like money managers and arbitrageurs. As we break down the barriers of AMMs to allow LPs to unleash full economic value, In Square’s experience on the cutting edge of DeFi will be invaluable.”

— The HydraSwap Team

Once HydraSwap closes its private fundraising round, the token generation event (TGE) will be announced. The utility token will give LPs access to HydraSwap 1.0, as well as the DeFi Arbitrage and Smart Aggregation modules, and half a dozen other advanced integrated trading modules to follow. HydraSwap’s one-stop CEX-level liquidity mining platform has been designed to bring liquidity mining without limits to DeFi.

About In Square Ventures

In Square Ventures (ISV) is one of the premier venture capital firms investing in high growth blockchain projects. The partnership invests in rapidly growing blockchain innovation and partners closely with exceptional management teams to develop a portfolio of top-performing projects in the industry. ISV capital is supporting the future of blockchain startups by focusing on investment and incubation.

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About HydraSwap

HydraSwap is a Solana DEX powered by an on-chain intelligent and high-performance AMM focused on maximizing the returns for Liquidity Providers. Our vision is to create an AMM that matches the pricing sophistication and returns of specialized market makers.

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HydraSwap is building a next-gen DEX powered by a superior AMM focused on Liquidity Providers. By empowering liquidity providers we will make DEX liquidity CEXy