Oceanside Chat: Water Scientist and Serial Entrepreneur Dolf Zantinge tells us About the Secrets of Coherent Water

Jesse Krieger
Published in
7 min readApr 6, 2023

Does water have a memory? What does it really mean? On March 29th 2023, Dolf Zantinge joined Stuart Rudick and the HydroDAO community to share about his extensive work on the science of water and explained to us how coherent water works and what the development of electromagnetic waves for the telecommunication industry such as 4G and 5G means for the water. Stuart Rudick is the founder of HydroDAO and has been a top performing investment manager for four decades, “making money making a difference.” Dolf Zantinge is a pioneer IT entrepreneur with a background in fiber optics, telecommunications, data mining, enterprise solutions, and artificial intelligence. For the past two decades, his focus has been on researching electromagnetic fields and their influence on biophotonics, water, light, and system physiology. Dolf has documented important insights about the supercomputing power and energy of water and developed new innovations that will be game-changing for advancement in the water industry.

Here’s a 15-Minute Teaser of the Talk (the whole talk is published below):

Dolf, can you share about you and your experience in the world of business, and how you went from being so focused in all the realms of business to water?

“I worked for many, many years in the industry of telco and computer science. That was a long time ago, I had my own company [then] and I was one of the first people in the world, together with my colleague, who introduced artificial intelligence in the world. Then I moved to the world of fiber optics and that made a small change. Fiber optics is used in the telco world but there, you work with light and laser light. Then I thought, “can we measure certain things in light?” and luckily enough, just at that moment, I met Professor Popp in Germany, who was world famous in the world of biophotons. We did a lot of tests, and after one year, we found out that there is one mystical product that seems to change everything, and that product was water. So we changed our laboratory with a whole team of scientists that was financed completely by ourselves, around 10–15 people, and worked for 14 years on this. Then, we found out all the things that we wanted to learn, and water is still a mystery, but we found out a lot of things, and we found the beauty of it. So I skipped my role as CEO and I moved completely in the world of water. That is more or less the story, Stuart.”

Could you share with us, from more of a technical basis, about water being a computer?

“There is a whole discussion in the scientific world going on. Is water having a memory? Some claim it has a memory and then the hardcore scientists are [like] “no, it can’t have a memory because only humans have a memory”. Well, it’s very simple, you do some tests, and you bring a color into the water and you can see [if it has] a certain effect in the biological world. […] What we found is [that] there is a memory in water but it is not a memory as we have as humans. What it might have is that it creates different types of crystal forms and they can communicate with outside fields that we are not aware of, probably with a fifth element “aether”. That crystalline form is a kind of form that has the ability to communicate. We are still in the kindergarten of that knowledge. […] Crystals were built-in in the first radios. Why is that? [It is] because a crystal form can receive a frequency from outside, and that is exactly what water does. I can tell you a little bit [about] a test that we did: we gave plants different types of water and also what we called coherent water [which] by the structure, has the ability to receive more information from outside. We gave all those plants water and we measured them with […] very low voltage in the roots, in the plant itself, and in the leaves […]. What we saw is that every day, […] one hour before the sun was rising, an energy was coming up, but every day, that hour was changing [by] one minute. Then, we found out that it had to do with the sun. It was the electromagnetic field from outside and the crystal form in the water could pick it up and it transformed already the plant. […] We forgot as humans that 99% of our molecules in the body are water molecules. We have more water molecules than a cucumber, so our memory is filled with it, and so all our emotions are also stored in our water.”

What is water’s role with mental diseases that have increased so dramatically such as Alzheimer’s and dementia?

“[The outcome of our study was that] water is suddenly communicating in a much better way […] and it had also a direct effect on a very important nerve center called the nerve vagus. The nerve vagus is coming straight from your intestine to the brain. What we do now know is that Alzheimer’s, but also Parkinson disease, are for a great part dependent upon the toxins that we are taking into our body, and it’s coming from the lack of the right bacteria in our intestine. […] Let’s face reality, we have 99% of water molecules but when we go to the doctor, we go to the doctor for that 1%. That’s strange.”

How do you relate water to electromagnetic waves?

“What we don’t understand — and that is why water is so important — […] is that water absorbs all the electromagnetic waves, including our brainwaves. They are also electric, brainwaves. Our thoughts have an electromagnetic wave that has an effect on the water. Nowadays, we create an incredible layer, all over the world, with electromagnetic waves in the form of 4G and 5G. That is something we have measured as well and what we see is that, immediately, the bacteria that is in the water responds to [these electromagnetic waves], because if you constantly beam in the same frequency all over the world, then you get a shift into the energy layers of those bacteria that respond positively or negatively to it. […] If you ask me “what is your biggest concern?” — I’m an optimistic man, but there is also one concern — , [it is that] at this moment of time, there are 4,000 satellites around the world that are beaming telco communication frequencies. That number will increase in five years to 100,000. I give you a little bit of an idea about what that means. That means that a complete ring around the world with electromagnetic fields will be there, they will beam through the clouds, and the clouds will [absorb] these sensitive electromagnetic fields, then the rain will drop upon this planet [and reach] our harvests. It is really becoming a big problem and that is why, in many laboratory all over the world, we do these tests now. What we have seen is that extremely harmful bacteria love 4G and 5G.”

What is the effect on soil?

“Into the soil, there are billions and billions of bacteria. Without them, no life. […] As a matter of fact, our body exists out of 7 kilograms of bacteria. […] The same is happening in the soil but due to the toxins that we have used over the decades, we have killed some of the most important bacteria. [In our study,] we have used [coherent] water and we brought it back to the soil and […] within 3–4 months, the DNA of the soil changed dramatically. There was suddenly more variety [in bacteria].”

Let’s talk about what the solutions are.

“I think we have to understand much better how frequencies work on water. […] Then, we get a much better understanding upon the frequencies that we can use, or use temporary, and then switch over to different types of frequencies. That is probably one of the solutions. I think we should stop with that idea [to send satellites] of Mr. Musk. […] The beauty is that he is saying that he wants to save the world by giving everybody internet. That is the beauty of the marketing. The reality is just the other way around.”

What about artificial intelligence and water?

“If we can collect data together, then we probably can find within one or two years major solutions upon what water can do. As a matter of fact, there are already teams at universities that I meet on a monthly basis that do things with water that are completely amazing. […] If you can bring that together, then, we first of all have a much better understanding about how water works, but also, we hopefully get more respect for Mother Nature and the incredible knowledge that is behind the water, because water [is not just] water, it has a consciousness. […] But I think it’s time to do it now. We shouldn’t wait a decade, we should do it now.”

Here is the full video from the Oceanside Chat:

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Jesse Krieger

Managing Partner at The Publishing Consultants & Associate Publisher at Morgan James Publishing