Announcing Financial Independence Day: Our FINDI Consortium

Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018

Happy July 4th to all of our American colleagues, friends, community members, and supporters!

On this festive holiday, we would like to announce a new kind of independence, and it’s not from the British Empire.

FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE is coming to the world. Public blockchain is the medium that will bring it. Hydrogen’s mission has been to encourage the global financial system to decentralize and leverage the tremendous power of the public ledger to bring back faith in our economic system.


We are proud to announce we have begun FINDI Financial Industry Decentralization Initiative.

It is an industry working group and consortium that will officially launch August 1st. The mission is quite simple — to encourage and implement decentralization in financial services applications. This will be accomplished through joint research and projects, whitepapers, conferences, and media relations.

We are recruiting founding members of FINDI for the August 1st launch. It is 100% free! Some suggested members are:

  • Startups
  • Financial Institutions
  • Academics
  • NGOs
  • Economists
  • Tech Companies
  • Governments
  • Consultants

Contact us to sign our mission statement and join the group for the public launch on August 1st!




The Global Financial Operating System. Creator of #Atom and #Molecule #APIs. Founding dev on open-source #blockchain #Hydro. Made in #NYC! www.hydrogenplatform.