Become a Hydro Decentralization Ambassador (DA)

Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2018

In an effort to involve the global Hydrogen community in the ongoing decentralization and growth of the Hydro blockchain ecosystem, the community has started a Decentralization Ambassador (DA) program. This will be an integral piece of the overall Hydrogen Community Development Program (HCDP).

DA Duties

The following is a selection of duties that can be expected of the DAs. This is not a comprehensive list, the community can suggest new and creative tasks & activities for the DAs at any time.

  • Bringing and onboarding new developers into the ecosystem, including solo developers, startups, scaleups, and enterprises
  • Publish product or development content to GitHub regularly
  • Create HCDP tasks for clearly defined tasks for the community to execute
  • Spread the word about Hydro’s technology and solutions in developer channels, such as Reddit
  • Hosting meetups, hackathons, symposiums, and other events
  • Maintaining social media channels
  • Existing and new product management in the Hydro development roadmap
  • Existing and new project management in the Hydro development roadmap

DA Community Accountability

The community establishes and maintains a set of standards by which DAs are expected to hold themselves accountable. Community members are encouraged to make pull requests, comment on pull requests, and generally engage in discourse to amend these standards as needed. Additionally, DAs are expected to be sufficiently well-versed in the materials included in the DA training guide.


  • The total pool of HYDRO allocated to DAs will be held in a decentralized escrow contract
  • All DAs, in good standing, will be distributed 222,222 HYDRO per month over 24 months, with the tokens released from escrow via a smart contract
  • Up to 100 DAs will be elected over the course of the program, meaning we expect that up to 4.8% of total HYDRO supply, taken from the 15% HCDP token allocation, will be allocated and distributed
  • DAs will be expected to allocate sufficient time to the project to perform their duties
  • DAs will be drawn from all corners of the globe, to encourage the spread of the Hydro message to financial ecosystems worldwide
  • DAs can be voted out at any time with majority vote of the Hydro developer community if they are not performing the duties according to expectations. At that time, a new DA will be elected to take their place, and will receive HYDRO from the escrow contract going forward.

*Anything in the above section can change based on community feedback and discussion*


To apply, please fill out the form linked at the bottom of this post. You will be required to submit a 500 word essay (minimum) containing information on your skills and experience, goals and KPIs for 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years as a DA, and your vision for Project Hydro as the ecosystem grows. You will also be able to supply a CV and other KYC documentation.

The first 5–10 DAs will be selected by the Hydrogen core development team, and the next 40–90 will be selected by the existing DAs via smart-contract-based vote interested parties who do not become DAs in an early round of voting are encouraged to re-apply based on the governance structure of selected DAs.

UPDATE: The First 10 DAs have been elected by the core team and the selection process has been passed off to the DAs

To become a DA, please APPLY HERE




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